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Portfolio, Roarke Nelson

Hi everyone,

I have just updated my portfolio and would love some feedback form the great community here at Polycount. I have just moved to the UK and am currently looking for a job. www.roarkenelson.com

Thanks for looking!

Here are some samples of whats on my site:


  • KartoonHead
    Offline / Send Message
    KartoonHead polycounter lvl 4
    Great work! Love that snake dude. I think you could do better with the medieval guy's face and hair, it's the worst (no offense, it's all pretty good) looking part of the character, and at the same time it's the most important part as it's where your eyes will naturally navigate to.

    Also, any chance you might provide a link to your portfolio? :p
  • chaosblade
  • Christian Nordgren
    Offline / Send Message
    Christian Nordgren polycounter lvl 11
    Nice chaosblade! I really love all the colors diversity and colorschemes you have! Its a really good portfolio. The only critic is the dark knight joker whos cloth are a bit to clean and his hair is missing or is to subtle, otherwise everything looks awesome
  • urgaffel
    Offline / Send Message
    urgaffel polycounter lvl 17
    The snake dude looks a lot like a concept painting I saw in the Art of Blizzard book, is it based on that?
  • chaosblade
    KartoonHead: Thanks, ye I think i need to tweak the shaders on the vikings face and hair, they seem a bit flat at the moment.
    Christian Nordgren: Thanks! Unfortunately I don't have the assets for the batman stuff so cant change anything :(
    urgaffel: Ye it is based on the blizzard painting by Brom, I credited it on my website :)
  • Shanthosa
    Offline / Send Message
    Shanthosa polycounter lvl 11
    This is looking really great. I'm curious, how did you approach the high poly for the chain-link coat for the viking character?

    I really like the site btw, straight to the point and no bullshit.
  • chaosblade
    @Shanthosa: Thanks! I think the way I did it was a bit convoluted. You can achieve the same thing by using textools & skin wrap modifier in max, although it may be a little slow... Making a nice tile-able texture and applying it afterwards would probably work almost as well for way less work.

    I know my explanation is a bit vague, but if by the off chance you use Softimage I can tell you exactly what I did :)

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