Hello everyone!
This is my first post here on polycount, so, be kind with me even though I'm here to get some advice and critiques.
So, first of all, let's introduce myself. My name is Emmanuel, I live in the South of France, and I'm currently working as a freelance 3D artist since I ended my training in 3D animation.
But you won't see here a lot of animation, it's not my passion. Instead of animation, I tried to "specialize" in environmental modelling. Moreover, I didn't receive a formation including real-time technology and software (I'm trying to learn by myself, but I'm not advanced enough to post something here) so, you won't see low-poly game-ready stuff here.
So, long story short, let's see some of my work, for the ones who survived the previous paragraph.
Artyom Vlaskin seems to be a bit mainstream these days on Polycount, but he's a great artists, doing great concepts for modelling, so, I won't introduce him, everyone here must know him and his "Pirate" concepts.
I made all this things as a training, i have not yet an accurate project:
First concept:

AO pass:


Second concept:

First quick renders:

Last render:

And as the pirates are nothing without a boat, I made one.
No great concept this time, I just took some screenshots of the boat of the nameless hero of Risen 2.

Without textures:

With textures:

(I know, the siren doesn't touch the bow and the anchor is flying...)
Everything was made and rendered in C4D, with a bit of Zbrush sometimes and for some things.
That's all Folks! I have a load of images, but won't upload here, since I just want some critiques on this work for the moment.
Nevertheless, you can find all my work on my portfolio:
Everything is in French, but this shouldn't be a problem.
Sorry for my poor english, and thanks for your attention!