IF I plug a camera vector into the emissive and mask out the R and G, I get an expected result. The opposite of a fresnel basically. No matter how I orbit around the preview sphere.
But... When I mask out G and B, I only get the expected result if I am orbiting the camera around the object horizontally, that is, if the camera's Z component is zero and I simply orbit around on the XY plane.
As soon as I start moving the camera up in Z, the results begin to skew. Shouldn't I get an identical result no matter how I orbit just as the Z returns?
I get the same result when masking out R and B. I get expected result as long aa the camera stays on the XY planar. As soon as the camera starts to gain or lose Z, the result gets skewed.
Here are three images showing the issue. The first is Z no matter how I orbit, the second shows X and its change with the camera looking down on the preview sphere, and the third shows Y and the change with the camera looking down on the preview sphere.