I'm slowly building a diesel-punk inspired airship for a sequence in a game i'm working on with mates in my spare time. The player basically boards the ship and controls ballast and acceleration to overcome obstacles and solve physical puzzles. So the ship is quite large, larger than it appears in the screenshot.
For aesthetics/style think warcraft 3 goblin zeppelin meets 50's futuretech meets rust, but with some nice colorful paint in amongst it (which is a step away from diesel punk i guess). Almost...brink-ish? Idk i'd love to see any reference you guys can throw at me.
This the the first sculpt for the balloon segment. ..looks a bit saggy/deflated at the moment. We're currently also developing a normals/directional shader so the balloon appears to have some inner glow toward the middle, but less toward the edges (as the camera see's it). Hopefully it all works out.
If you've got any cool ideas or crits, throw them my way
