Okay..I updated to Maya 2013 and I can't find the bullet physics plugin for Maya in my plugin manager window(wtFF).I have been googling why this is so.Is the plugin missing from my package?or its a windows problem?I am using windows vista 32 bit.I am suspecting its for 64 bit users(64bit users seem to be getting the goodies these days).
From my research,seems bullet physics is open source and realtime and has a 32/64 bit version on its official website.I thinking its AMD and designed to work with AMD cards?I use a nividia graphics card so bullet wont be compartible if I download and install it?I wonder if it does simulation for cloth.
Sorry for the frequent questions here.
I would suggest, get the installer. Install it again the proper way. should work for all versions...
Been playing around with it and I am impressed with the speed of simulation.Problem is I can't find some features like the softbody,how do u make some vertices unmovable,attach vertices to a rigid body,my softbody is acting like a thick rubber.Also I think rigidbody is lacking a bounciness feature or is it restitution?
Finally,I am wondering wind,turbulence or force fields for the dsolver?
I have been looking up apps that use the bullet physics engine like blender,mmd.But I wonder if the dynamica plugin for maya is full fledged like blender/or mmd.Just to show a few-
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcWFzasWtwA"][MMD Newcomer] Stall Me [Eleni Selfy v6] - YouTube[/ame]
Stumbled on this.The physics sim of clothes and hair is quite impressive.It was done with MMD(free software) using bullet engine.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1YIafaqF7A&list=UUSO_wccIgWaT7Zha99EZpEg&index=12"]Blender 2.5 Physics: Wireframes Chains Ropes Strings & Spaghetti - Bullet Physics Capsules - YouTube[/ame]
-Epic bullet physics capabilities using Blender.
Can these be achieved using dynamica in maya?
Its like Maya,mudbox,motionbuilder,3dmax,udk thrown in an oven and made into a nice well baked cake by some master chef.
Best of all,its free with a huge user base and devs are always adding new tools/features on a regular bases.
Blender supports fbx and bvh import files.Till now,maya doesn't support bvh unless u have motionbuilder.I am done with autodesk.Blender all the way.