if i have the money to get one of those pads with the pens should i? i am fully aware that just because i have the tools i wont be great or that i can't be a great modeler without the best tools. however i am just starting to learn zbrush and i have a little bit of cash to go and buy one with. however what are some good ones to get and how much do they cost? i seen one that had a good review on the site however it was $80 which sounds like a good price. what size should i be looking for though? and what brands are are reliable and comfortable?
also i assume the size of my desktop would be needed to make a better choice. i have 2 monitors however the 2nd one isn't normally on because i have not needed it. my main monitor is 2560x1440, 27inch, and the 2nd monitor get it's best display on 1440x900 at 21 inch i think. im tempted to grab another one just like my main one as i got it for $325. however first im looking into a tablet.
Usually 1 tablet is good enough for 2 displays, since there is software to switch the tablet inbetween the two.
As for actual modeling, it's a matter of preference using a tablet w/ say max or maya.
also how is [ame="http://www.amazon.com/Wacom-Bamboo-Create-Tablet-CTH670/dp/B005HGBF9W/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1359869308&sr=8-2&keywords=bamboo+tablet"]http://www.amazon.com/Wacom-Bamboo-Create-Tablet-CTH670/dp/B005HGBF9W/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1359869308&sr=8-2&keywords=bamboo+tablet[/ame] with a smaller active area nearly 3 times the price of [ame="http://www.amazon.com/Monoprice-10x6-25-Inches-Graphic-Drawing/dp/B004C4ZT0G/ref=sr_1_1?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1359869466&sr=1-1&keywords=monoprice+tablet"]http://www.amazon.com/Monoprice-10x6-25-Inches-Graphic-Drawing/dp/B004C4ZT0G/ref=sr_1_1?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1359869466&sr=1-1&keywords=monoprice+tablet[/ame] ? is that $100 just for brand name or is the wacom brand that much better?
also it needs to be able to be shipped to australia too.
Wacom CTH-670 Technical Specifications
Size : Medium
Tablet Dimensions : 337 x 223 x 8.5 mm
Pen Active Area : 217 x 137 mm
Touch Active Area : 190 x 130 mm
Pen Pressure Levels : 1024
ExpressKeys : 4
Interface : USB with 1.5m USB Cable
Color : Black/Lime Green
In the end i went looking for the wacom intuos 4m. Good size and descent price. It's the former model that already has all the big improvements wacom implemented in it and great options for customization of all the buttons (pen & tablet) and lcd displays. They are on sale a lot and soled all over the world. I'd say take a loot at that. Getting a bamboo is also a great idea to start with but if you are 100% you want to do this work then i'd get the intuos4 instead of buying it later on and having spend those 65+_ $ on it. Can use that for addition tips, different pen, extra RAM you name it.
I know i tend to write it all out far to long sorry haha. Just my thoughts on this.
Aye that's exactly it. You can make some finger gestures on the touch model wich you can't on the normal. Personally idk. If it costs more just for that i wouldn't get it. I like the idea but i don't think i'd use it. I also wonder if it's possible that you get actions by accident like if you drag your wrist for example. But i only have experience with the "normal" version so it's just guessing on my part.