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Portfolio Content/Layout

polycounter lvl 9
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barnesy polycounter lvl 9
Hey Polycount,

I am planning on restructuring my portfolio and I was just wondering if it would be possible for any of you kind folk to offer me a bit of advice.

I have looked at lots of portfolios and have came to the conclusion that there is no "best" layout for them.

I have seen some that have separate professional and personal work sections and some that combine both sections together.

I was just wondering what you would advise.

a - One massive section with both personal and professional work combined in chrono order?

b - Professional work at the top then personal work below?


c - Personal work at the top then the professional stuff below it?

I have the dilemma of experience vs quality of work.

Is it better for the viewer to see short time scale professional stuff or nice drawn out high poly stuff when they see the website?

Any help on this will be greatly appreciated :)

Thanks in advance


  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    Keep it simple..best work first

    If your pro work looks like ass, people are going to be no more impressed by the fact that someone paid you to make crappy art
  • Frump
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    Frump polycounter lvl 12
    Seconding low odor, just put your best work first.

    You also seem to have a ton of stuff on your site right now. Maybe cut it down to just some of the best stuff, the quality seems to be really all over the place.
  • barnesy
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    barnesy polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks for your feedback.

    You guys were right it was all over the place and there was too much stuff on there witch varying quality.

    I have spent the best part of a week and a half making loads of tweaks and selectively adding only the good low poly assets that I created for my last client.

    I have removed lots of sculpts and 2D stuff that were not up to par.

    I also added a small blog / WIP page just to show what client stuff I am working on. Is it worth mentioning on there that I had the clients permission to post the work and that it is not under a NDA?

    I found that most of the thumbnails had medium grey backgrounds which made them look quite plain in my opinion, so I decided to tint the background colour towards the main colours of the model which has added lots of colour and character to the thumbnails.

    What do you guys think? Are the bright colours a bit too much for the eyes or do they work? I noticed that a lot of people tend to desaturate the thumbnails.

    Thanks in advance :)

  • Broadway
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    Broadway polycounter lvl 9
    I didn't see the old version but I guess you made a move in the right direction because it seems okay layout-wise to me now. So, good job!

    I didn't see the desaturated thumbs but I think what you have now is not offensive; it looks fine to me. The thumb backgrounds don't seem too bright.

    Also your Gabe model made me chuckle.
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