Hi guys, for this work I decided to do a portrait of my son, my proud and joy.
Hopefully one day he will appreciate it, but for now I just hope you guys like it!

Started from a Polymesh sphere in zBrush, the hair are Fibermesh, retopo in Maya, render in Octane and final adjustment in Photoshop/Magic Bullet.

Cute kid by the way:)
I've gathered some critics and suggestions around the web, so I'm gonna start working on an updated version, stay tuned!
I reworked the scene, and added the full body model. For the clothing I used Agisoft PhotoScan to get a realistic base mesh, than I retopologized it in Maya, and sculpted the fine details in zBrush.
Render in Octane, final adjustment in Photoshop/Magic Bullet.
Click here for the 4K version: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/34021721/ren/ren_new_4k.jpg
Overall it's a fantastic image, but those jeans (and eyes as others have mentioned) are throwing it off.
I didn't like the strong light on the jeans, so I tone it down.
The diffuse only render is without any adjustment.
For the eyes, read above.
Ah I see. Well in that case I would suggest increasing the occlusion shadowing in the canthus area. If you compare your reference to your final image there's quite a difference.
You've done a very great job here, though its really hard on the edge to creepy uncanny valley, which is the hardest thing to pass when doing realistic 3d characters.
However i think there a couple of things you might consider, i feel like the forehead is slightly too long in your version and with the high hairline looks a bit too huge in comparison with the photos.
Also the transition from skull to ear is off (in this shot you can see it pretty good http://dl.dropbox.com/u/34021721/ren/Ren_detail03.jpg) the skull just fades into the ear while in reality you have an overlap of the ear.
But all together awesome job man, the clothing looks really good and you are pretty close with the face as well.
You know, everything can be improved, I can go on forever adjusting little things here and there, but at some point I have to stop and call it done.
Every work I do I learn new things, so hopefully the next one will be better.
Oh, someone might be interest in the process I used to create the clothes, so here it is.
Amazing work flow! May i ask you how you projected the diffuse map? Maya? Topogun?
Thanks! For projecting the maps I used zBrush.