New project I've started on.
Put together initial concepts, I'm leaning more towards number 3 with colours and a mix of leather and plastic materials. Critiques/comments welcome.
Getting the materials right in UDK took a while but I managed to figure it out. Still need more practice on retopology as I think there’s a few places where it could be more efficient.

I agree though, I think the dark mesh/fabric on the legs and top torso is a bit strong.
Right now, it just feels like you gave Wonder Woman a different style, rather than going completely cyberpunk.
It might be worth accentuating the silver wrist guards too as they're also a traditional part of the costume.
Yeah I'll definitely put in some high silver around the wrists for the final concept.
update - probably move onto final concept now. More detail/defined textures/materials. Also fix up the wrists/hands/feet areas too.
Otherwise looking good I like her concept and this whole idea.
Total: 6hrs so far.
small update, now moving onto hair and glasses
And turntable clip