Hi guys, I am a Freelance Environment Artist looking to boost my currently lacking portfolio and decided to create an environment based off some of the Concept Art Ben Proctor produced for the interior bridge section on the Prometheus ship. So far I have managed to produce a door section aswell as a generalized block out and I will be continuing to go through refining in high poly. I do intend on making this scene game ready, and will over the coming weeks go through making my low polys and then presenting it in UDK.
Whilst I know some of the details I am including in my high poly models might be too fine or excessive (especially when it comes to baking normals) I am using this project as a way to test and improve upon my high poly modelling skills... AND ITS FUN

Here is one of the concept's I am working from.

Here is what I have so far, would be great to know what you guys think

Great work bud
Why not just show them as individual pieces instead of the weird shots..
Is that going to be the final comp for lighting and placement? I think there's lots to be done before getting lost in all those fancy little details, as fun as it is XD.
Hi otrick,In terms of lighting and placement not at all, this scene I have been working in at the moment is purely my "Work Scene" tinkering at placement etc.., and the lighting is just in place to try and highlight some of the areas im working in. I'll be posting some singular shots of objects as I go, just wanted to post a few quick images to show where im at. As soon as I can justify a singular assets quality,(such as the door) ill put it up, but like I said there's a lot unfinished still
Again thanks for the feedback guys, Ill be back up soon with more updates
Just using Maya 2013 , taking my images straight from the Viewport 2.0 window dude