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Ehren's little dump

polycounter lvl 9
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Ehren polycounter lvl 9
LOL! Ok so I've been a traditional sculptor in the collectibles industry for the last several years. Primarily with McFarlane toys. Freelanced for several other companies. Over the last couple years I've been making the transition to the digital world. The first couple months were GAWD AWFUL. haha. Making the switch from physical wax to polys was totally mind bending for me. I had to really change the way I approach sculpting. So anyway, here is some of the stuff I've been up to... The first two pieces were done in wax to show where I'm coming from. Rest are digi-



  • Ehren
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    Ehren polycounter lvl 9
    Oh and I should mention that the chick with the Huge um sword is based on 2d work by Matt Dixon. The Space Suit Female is based on 2d work by Alexey Zaryuta. The Pirate is based on an NC Wyeth painting.
    Here are a couple more. This Minotaur was done for ARH studios and should be printed in the next few months. The second image here is a print of the monster in my first post... thanks for taking a look.
  • Ehren
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    Ehren polycounter lvl 9
  • CougarJo
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    CougarJo polycounter lvl 6
    Wow wow! The first character of you last post is cool oO I like it! Kind of Ranxerox/Rage style, IMO!

    Nice transition to real sculpt/digital :D Awesome work!
  • Baj Singh
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    Baj Singh polycounter lvl 9
    love that minotaur :).
  • Ehren
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    Ehren polycounter lvl 9
  • Ehren
  • demilich
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    demilich polycounter lvl 8
    these are badass man!
  • Ehren
  • bigphun
    Super great work. thats a hella of a good Jude Law sculpt, but I can't condone sculpting Jude Law, because he sucks.
  • Lavitz
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    Lavitz polycounter lvl 12
    Love the Omega Red sculpt, man all of these have nice and consistent quality.
  • Ehren
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    Ehren polycounter lvl 9
    thanks guys.
    haha @ bigphun ... why you no like mr Law? hes such a handsome bloke. ;)
    o and out of all of these, that sculpt I did of my wife was the most terrifying. can you imagine what would have happened to me if i had fucked it up???! :poly114:
  • Ehren
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    Ehren polycounter lvl 9
    I also had the incredible honor of helping Furio Tedeschi get his Granox printed.

    I painted the prototype and did the molding and casting. These are actually available in a limited in run. Trying to help as many talented dudes as possible bring their art to the masses...
  • Ehren
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    Ehren polycounter lvl 9
    I don't normally pimp stuff I do at work because there are often multiple people involved in a sculpting project, but I just can't resist posting this. I did most of the heavy lifting on this but other sculptors (Pru Brigg, Casey Eskridge, and David Assael ) played a role in getting it finished. My sculpting supervisor Andy Frank did the portrait work on Michonne. It was painted by Matt Keown. I think the copies being sold through McFarlane are gone already... though I think Diamond may carry more. Anyway I'm super proud of this thing and I think our little team really knocked it out of the park.
  • ftorek
    totally awesome!! - you can tell how your experience with real stuff affects your digital ones - i really love the way you pose them - they're full of movement and dynamics
  • Ehren
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    Ehren polycounter lvl 9
    thanks! i need to get in to low poly stuff and expand my portfolio
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    man, amazing to see this. i used some of your mcfarlane stuff as reference on my rogue project a while back.

    totally psyched to see how you progress, you're already doing so well!
  • Ehren
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    Ehren polycounter lvl 9
    I'm really amped to have been part of this - Assassin's Creed Black Flag action figures for McFarlane toys. I can't post all the zbrush work until these are actually on the shelves, but I can throw this product shot up here. I did all the high poly work on the body. Steve Lord did the head. Matt Keown did the paint. These were so much fun. I'll post the Black Bart and Hornigold figures soon. Gotta post a bunch of other stuff as well. Been super busy at the shop and we are always running on insane deadlines (late on everything haha)
  • fatihG_
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    fatihG_ polycounter lvl 14
    These look really cool man! =D
  • Ehren
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    Ehren polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks! I also got word that the Minotaur I sculpted for ARH has been printed and will be for sale soon. Teaser ...
    and here is a butt...
  • James.Darmanin
    These are all quite Awesome, Absolutely Love what you have done with the Minotaur.
    Thank-you for sharing.
  • sheckee
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    sheckee polycounter lvl 9
    I thought that was a Matt Dixon piece. Have you showed him? I've met him at a couple of Conventions; such a lovely guy. I'm sure he'd LOVE To see.
    Awesome pieces in here, I love seeing traditional guys go over to Digital, seem to pick it up so quick.
  • Ehren
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    Ehren polycounter lvl 9
    yeah i showed him what i was up to. that was a while back and my progress has stalled. :(
  • sheckee
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    sheckee polycounter lvl 9
    Ehren wrote: »
    yeah i showed him what i was up to. that was a while back and my progress has stalled. :(

    Don't worry, I was working on one of his robots and my progress completely stalled months ago. There's no time limit on these things! ;)
  • Ehren
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    Ehren polycounter lvl 9
    THis is the Daryl Dixon we recently did at McFarlane toys. I did the bulk of the sculpting. Rafael Grassetti did the portrait. Additional tweaks were made by Steve Lord. Paint by Matt Keown. Cool trick Photo by Dave Gittleman. Lotta fun working on this. We even got to meet Norman Reedus during project!!
    Like I said, I'll post zbrush renders once it's available to the public. thanks
  • Ehren
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    Ehren polycounter lvl 9
    a couple more figures i've been working on ---
    1st is a commissioned pinup girl based on a Gil Elvgren painting. Client wanted her a little more curvy than she appears in the painting. I just got the 3d output from Ownage. I'll post photos of that soon.

    2nd is a torso study for an upcoming project. thanks for checking meowt.
  • Ehren
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    Ehren polycounter lvl 9
  • slosh
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    slosh hero character
    This is fantastic stuff!
  • Ehren
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    Ehren polycounter lvl 9
    thanks! I know my work doesn't precisely fit in with all the low poly models this forum focuses on but I'm trying my damndest to learn that stuff. Their is some totally badass work on here.
  • Torch
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    Torch polycounter
    Your sculpting is pretty awesome - the latest shots of the girl and firepole are sweet, got the forms and sexyness down really well!
  • Fishypants
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    Fishypants polycounter lvl 18
  • Ehren
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    Ehren polycounter lvl 9
    thanks guys.
    So I've got a bunch of freelance work that I've been cranking on. Its some large 1/4 scale stuff (meaning the figures will be about 18 inches tall when complete). The client needs these done in wax. So I figured I'd skin several cats at the same time. I bought myself a cheap Airwolf filament extruder printer. So what I'm doing is sculpting in zbrush, dynameshing the final sculpt (a quick dirty way to create a single printable shell from several merged subtools.) Then decimating and exporting. Then I bring the stl in to Netfabb and scale it and fix bad edges and fill holes. From there I export the fixed stl to MatterControl. This is open source software used to slice up the the sculpt and create printable layers. From there it goes to the printer. Once the print is complete I make a silicone mold and cast it in wax. Because these printers are relatively low res the wax will need to be cleaned up. Which of course is where my traditional sculpting skills come in. It may seem like a slightly backwards way to work, but its actually a great of saving time in the end because implementing zbrush in the work flow allows me to cut my sculpting time in half. Especially when working on these huge sculptures. This particular piece is a print of my Daenerys head. Its was done as a trial. I was happy with the results. It's about 90mm in height. I'm sure I can achieve better results by tweaking some things with the printer. these were the stock settings..
  • Iciban
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    Iciban polycounter lvl 10
    wow these are some fantastic work!
  • Ehren
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    Ehren polycounter lvl 9
    thanks dude! This is a wip render of something I'll be printing soon. He's pretty roided out right now but sometimes I feel like if the anatomy is exaggerated a little at the beginning of the process it helps you establish all the important landmarks and you can kinda work backwards and make it subtle if need be. . . but then I've been told that mastery of subtlety is a trademark of a good artist. :poly105:

  • Razorb
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    Razorb polycounter lvl 15
    Oh shit! your work is so damn inspiring! Your anatomy knowledge and poses are absolutely spot on!
  • Ehren
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    Ehren polycounter lvl 9
    I appreciate it. Thanks. Its funny for me to hear that because I come on here and I'm super jealous of all the low poly technical knowledge you guys have. I'm trying so hard to learn the game modeling side of this but I suck at the tech. Guess its always a two way street huh?
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    If you have the time, i'd suggest hanging out in one of the polycount hangouts.


    the activity in the hangouts tends to go up and down, but if you can get in while others are in there, i'm sure they'd love to see how you work, and in turn you can pick their brains about the tech side of things.

    alternatively, just send people messages man, nobody here bites... well, not hard anyway :P
  • Ehren
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    Ehren polycounter lvl 9
  • Ehren
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    Ehren polycounter lvl 9
    Finally got this cheesecake chick printed. output by desmoda
  • Fishypants
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    Fishypants polycounter lvl 18
    Dude, your sculpts look amazing, great understanding of anatomy!
  • Ehren
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    Ehren polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks man. It simply amounts to years and years of hard work...
    I'm pretty stoked on these two Frazetta sculpts I've been commissioned with. A client of mine (ARH studios) bought the licenses to reproduce some of his paintings as statues. I was totally blown away when he entrusted these two to me. The Barbarian and the Death Dealer. A couple things make this even more humbling for me. First of all, its the first time since Mr Frazetta's death that his family has approved licensing of his product. Secondly, these two particular statues were reproduced years ago by Clayburn Moore and Randy Bowen who happen to be two of the most well known names in collectibles. So here I am totally angst out with these huge shoes to fill. The other issue was that my client needed these statues to be finished in WAX. Furthermore, these are 1/4 scale statues meaning the Barbarian sculpt is about 26 inches (66cm) tall and the Death Dealer is 32 (82cm). So... Holy crap. I also am doing these as freelance projects while juggling my fulltime job at McFarlane. Lots of late nights. I knew right away that I was going to have to implement digital modeling in my workflow if I was going to get these done on time. Working in wax is just too damn slow. So I've been using the same workflow with these as I used get that wax casting of the Daenerys head I already posted. Sculpt in zbrush, break the model down, process in netfabb and print all the pieces with MatterControl my Airwolf printer. I have been running my printer just about nonstop for the last 3 weeks. My buddy Jeremy Monz has been helping me make the silicone molds of all the parts. Then I'm casting them in wax and assembling and cleaning everything up. It's incredibly time consuming tedious work but I can't even imagine doing this without ZBrush and Maya. So here is my final model of Death Dealer before breaking it down for printing. Any details that are missing (like the chain mail skirt and the deco on the saddle) will be added in wax. I'm printing a thin sheet of chain mail links that I mold and cast in resin. Then they can be cut in to strips and laid on the skirt. I also posted a photo of the Barbarian during the early stages of the wax work. I've really gotta light the afterburners on these right now. I'm supposed to meet with the Frazetta family at the beginning of July and then these pieces will be going to San Deigo Comic con at the end of the month. YIKES!
  • starr-king
    Great work! I love your Frazetta sculptures.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    so how are you enjoying the transition from traditional to digital sculpting? you seem to have settled into zbrush quite nicely now.
  • Ehren
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    Ehren polycounter lvl 9
    Well I picked it up about 4 years ago and honestly I still feel like a noob. I use it every day but I probably only implement about 10% of the program. Same goes for Maya. The first 3 months diving in were the absolute worst. I have NEVER been so artistically frustrated. I wanted to the throw the computer out the fucking window. One time I actually picked it up... lol I couldn't wrap my head around the disembodied feeling and the UI terrified me. haha THe only thing I could compare it to was learning algebra for the first time. As if math isn't hard enough for us artists, one day you walk in to class and they tell you a number can now be replaced with letters WTF?!! But at this point, I do enjoy sculpting digitally. It's such a huge time saver. And I'm excited about the other doors it could open for me if I find the time to explore. I'm still blown away by the quality of the work on here. The technical side of things is still so daunting.
  • Ehren
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    Ehren polycounter lvl 9
    Well here it is. My sculpt of Frazetta's Death Dealer at NY Comic Con. I certainly had a sense of fulfillment seeing it completed. But simultaneously I'm glad to be putting in my rear view mirror. Projects like this are really exhausting and nerve wracking.
  • 4bidn
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    4bidn polycounter lvl 5
    Stunning work, thanks for sharing.
  • Ehren
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    Ehren polycounter lvl 9
    Heres the Aveline I sculpted for McFarlane Toys. Now in stores.
  • Ehren
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    Ehren polycounter lvl 9
    heres some stuff i sculpted recently for ARH studios. I'm now full time here. Left McFarlane toys after more than 10 years. I still wanna learn game modeling. It's ridiculous how much has changed in the last few years. Can someone suggest the basic programs they are using for game ready characters? I assume Max is still the cornerstone....
  • Ehren
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    Ehren polycounter lvl 9

    Hey guys, I haven't checked in for a while. My life has taken some pretty drastic turns over the last couples years. In June I decided to leave my gig at ARH studios and I joined the small collectibles sculpting department at Blizzard. I work with Dominic Qwek and Brian Fay every day, utilizing all the skills I've picked up over the last 13 years in the collectibles industry. It's a pretty interesting gig.

  • Ehren
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    Ehren polycounter lvl 9
    I still sculpt. The DVA pilot I worked on was a team effort at Blizzard. I posed and sculpted the high res pilot and Dom Qwek handled the mech. We engineered it for print and then did hours and hours of hands on work to make sure all the detail held up through the production process. Laurel Austin painted it. Art Direction and model provided by the Overwatch team. I also bought myself a form2 printer that I've been enjoying experimenting with. I printed the twitch and jessica jones bust with it. Really cool little machine. Oh and the catwoman is based on a sketch by jae lee

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