Hi guys. I've decided to undertake the SD character art test. Mostly to push myself and learn some new things, but if he comes out good enough I may send him in...see if I can get a job (I wish Ha!) Anyways this is my progress so far. The concept is of a bank robber, with some tights over his head. The brief is quite loose, but what they are looking for is realistic folds and clothing detail, something which I know I need to work on. I'm not 100% sure if I can post the concept image but I will once SB get back to me with a yes or a no. Anyways please give me your crits so I can make this guy really pop. Its early days yet but I'll be updating him regularly. Thanks for looking!

I think all I can see now that sticks out would be that he seems a pretty slim guy, but his clothes look ill fitting. Perhaps give him a bit of a rotundness feel so the stretching makes sense? Unless that's what your intention was (the brief is loose so you can do what you feel).
Good luck!
SD allow 10 days for this art test. Try UVing the clothing before you sculpt in zbrush. Also did you use the base mesh they linked on their page?
Your shirt looks way too small for a guy who is fairly thing. fatten him up or relax the shirt
I better get a move on then :O Although, I cannot see details of a deadline on the site? Do you guys know when the closing date is?
No idea, asap really, I talked to someone from the company a few weeks back and 10 days is the standard. Good luck
I'm trying to go for a pot belly look, like a beer gut. I'm wanting to go for a British chav sort of look. Not quite sure what you guys would call it in the US. I'll post some more images tonight once I've got some more done.