I'm a last year Game Art student at The Game Assembly in Malmö, Sweden. This spring we're going to start looking for internships, and so i've made a portfolio to showcase my work.
I'm using a modded and stripped wordpress theme, and I'm not very skilled at web programming.
I'd really appreciate some feedback on layout, readability, colors, anything at all that sticks out as weird really! Feel free to comment on anything you don't like. Content is obviously not final, but it's cool to comment on that too.

Imagine that the "gallery" on the first screen are going to be thumbs from different projects that when clicked will take you to different project pages where you can view bigger images.
Thank you all beforehand!
I'm not sure I get exactly what you mean, but i'll try to explain
First, go to your dashboard > pages > edit the one with your thumbnails
Then, click the thumbnail to highlight it, and two icons pops up, click the one that looks like a picture.
Then you get the editor for that image, and you just fill in the adress you want to link to in the "Link URL"-Line.
You can also press the small icon that looks like a chain-link (second image, a yellow icon next to the text alignment-options) after highlighting the image, that also lets you edit the custom link.
Hoping that's what you meant, otherwise I can try again