Hello polycounters,
After a long period of making textures and models i noticed that i had stopped working on my design skills. So I started a little concept art improvement project that ended up occupying most of my free time during last 5 weeks.
I have had following goals:
-try to solve few recurring issues in my concepts
-get beyond most generic design solutions that often are the only ones that come to my mind
-build a library of personal designs and learn how to recycle them efficiently to save time
-use more photosourcing to save time
-get assets for portfolio
First i'd like to show you GUNS, since I know some of you enjoyed turning my older designs into 3d.
I made 55 of them since i started, although they're grayscale at the moment.
Here's the only one in full color:

And here's first half of newer designs:

I'd like to choose some and finish them in color, so i would appreciate it if you tell me if you have any favourites.
As for the technique, i would turn each new gun or its part into photoshop brush and try mix a few of them to create another gun without making it feel too redundant. later i realized that using gun photos would help me get ideas for convincing details so i turned my gun ref folder into brushes as well.
Issues i mentioned earlier were:
-treating objects as flat pieces of graphical design rather than something dimensional and usable
-trying too hard to resolve every line, detail placement etc in the most visually pleasant way possible
-2d cheating, not being able to visualize 3d aspect of ortho views
-details everywhere, no rest areas
-lack of subtelty, exaggerated features
I wouldn't say that i succeded at fixing all of that but the progress is definitely noticable.
thanks for looking, more to come soon!
them feedbacks be welcomed. :poly142:
#19 looks like a shotgun, however the butt looks like it would break your shoulder. It's very flat but then it has something sticking out near the top. Recoil? Ouch!
A number of the guns like 36, 31, 23 have clips near the back. i don't know enough about guns to compare this to anything that may be out there but reloading with your left hand seems like it could be tough. Also on some of these it looks like your arm or hip could get in the way of aiming.
I see a number of clips, but few ejections chambers for the spent shells. With the direction the guns are facing, shouldn't we see this in the profile?
Sadly I don't know enough about guns so these observations could be completely wrong, but that is what stood out to me. Overall though, these look good.
i just strangely feel that some of ur guns looks exactly same ! maybe just because u use same parts in their designs as u said above !