Thinking of starting a new character. He started off a "The Goon" but I am not 100% sure I am gonna continue with that or shoot off in a new direction. hahaha I guess I will continue with the goon until I or someone else has a cool idea.
Started working on the details and his bang bang.

Edit: Whatever happened to your Thor?
@ Caldria : Thanks :thumbup: .... haha........ Jason Statham..... maybe
Quick poly paint to get a bit more of a vibe
duncan you need to start making videos!!!!
Big upper, smaller lower, isn't that always how it is at the Gym.
Nice work, glad to see you still trucking along, lend me some motivation.
@ SA_22 : Thanks
@ D4V1DC : Ta very much, "Big upper, smaller lower, isn't that always how it is at the Gym" haha I guess so, I am more of a jogger.
@ futurepoly : Thanks for the feedback. I think the lower half is going to need some major tweeking. I am keen to see him finished too. If he comes out half a well as he looks in my head I will be happy.
New even though he does not look it.
Merged the bust with the body, Re topologised, Uv unwrap, Projected sculpt and polypaint, converted polypaint to texture as a base.
Thanks again everyone more to come soon.
Started sculpting the jeans.
Along the same lines, the legs are just thin, with no extra-thin parts or somewhat chunky bits to show that this is an exaggerated form. And the face also lacks some charicaturizing features. Together these three things add up to make it look more like a disproportionate Dishonored model than a very strongly stylized cartoon like the sketch. (I know that you're not literally making that sketch, but it seems to be your main reference)
take it with a pinch of salt as it might not be where you want to take him, but I did a quick paintover during break, excuse thr roughness hehe.
Looking at the awesome sketch up top it looks like hes all back and triceps which means he needs broader shoulders and more pronounced lats. At the moment the arms are too close I think, Ive also slightly tweaked his legs so they come in more like the stylised sketch above. ......couldnt resist a salvador version hehe.
hes lookin ace though dude!!! look forward to seeing where you take him. again its only a suggestion
Keep the hands at proportional size with the face though. Will make him look that much bigger.
- BoBo
I think he needs some work from the back view though. The triceps and the rear delt look a little too off even though this is a stylized piece.
Like where this is going though, keep it up!
I would make a longer post but lunch break is over so ssshhhhhhh :poly103:
Started working on his anatomy. need to go through and smooth out the muscle groups a bit and tweek. Not really happy with the shoulders so I will play with those. NEED to start on the hands. Also added a quick singlet to get the vibe.
Still so much to do.
HUGE THANKS again everyone.
Don't know if its a reference or just inspiration but I think those proportions are really neat.
The legs have a very nice flow though. Transfer that feeling to the rest of the character.
Thanks everyone.
@ CordellC :
@ Erik Rรถnnblom : hahah thanks.
@ makecg : Thanks man.
@ kevino025 : Thanks. Yeah, Scars and a dirty ratty singlet. Pretty much like die hard.
@ ILLMATICC : Thanks
@ Snader : Thanks for the feedback :thumbup:. I am actually going for a bit more of a Dishonored style, basically a blend between Dishonored and that spundman sketch. I hope you are digging the vibe of this dude a bit more now. Thanks again for the great feedback.
@ crazyfool : Thanks for the rad paintovers Mr
@ BoBo_the_seal : haha Thanks man :thumbup:
@ BradMyers82 : Thanks for the ref. Yeah I suck at anatomy, I hope they look a bit better now.
@ scotthomer : You knowz it.
@ AimBiZ : Thanks. I hope the arms don't stand out so much now. Yeah I probably should have mentioned earlier that that shot was just the initial inspiration. Style wise I guess I am going for more of a bit of a blend between the spundman and Dishonoured styles.
@ afisher : Thanks dude. I actually went the other way and took out a far bit of bulk, which I hope has the same effect. Perhaps not so I might have a play.
@ TrevorJ : Thanks.
@ Guedin : Ta very much.
@ HandSandwich : hehe
More body play. I am much happier with the torso now. Still a bit to play with and then just some more scar action. BUT FIRST...I am gonna start the hands.
Thanks again everyone :thumbup::D:thumbup:
narrow torso just makes him look weak and makes the arms look fake.
there is a lot of power in that character that gets lost in the narrow torso you have.
@ MM : Thanks for the feedback. I had a quick play with the torso. I did not go too crazy but it is wider. I am not 100% sure which I like better now. Maybe there is just not enough difference. I tried to go really wide but it just looked silly.
Quick test. what do people think?.... thicker or thinner?
i would go with silly and make it real wide torso like it is in the concept.
personally i think you are being partially timid with the stylization if you don't go silly, but it is your final call.
Ive linked the paintover here so not to muddy your thread
I tried to push his proportions and I might be crazy but in the end I decided to stick with what I had, just thickened up his thighs a bit... sorry (don't hate me too much)
Started working on the details and his bang bang.
Thanks again everyone.
One of these days you should get one of your models 3D printed.