Alright so new project in the works. Something I've been planning for quite a while, attempting to model this mech here by Mr-Jack.

I love the shapes but things are pretty loose, and the legs are kinda flimsy so I'll be working on the concept and kitbashing a bit to get something that works a bit better.
The end game for this is to put this Mech in a small diorama scene of a sci-fi mechanic's room. The grunge of the room and the inner workings of the mech will contrast with the smoother exterior of the mech itself.
My first step has been to put some line art over top of the painting to try and define some things further and understand some of the forms. From here's I'll be starting in on a high block-out and deciding which elements to replace with more functional ones (legs?, interior of the chest looks empty but I kinda like it... maybe add a glowing power core?)
Crits, paintovers, etc extremely appreciated. I really wanna have this thing looking fantastic by GDC so I don't have much time.