I was following tutorials for POM in CRY and for some reason it does not turn out the way I wanted it to, getting all sorts of problems.
If I don't have the Height bias all the way up to 1, I get texture popping that moves when my camera moves. For the displacement I followed a tutorial, I have tried two ways in which one way was how CB does theirs, and I am currently using this one for the bricks shown in the picture.
The normal is not how I wanted it to be, but stupid NDO2.
Any help would be great, thanks
The Height Bias is just the height the POM will work with, normally you would set it to 0 so it starts at the mesh and gets a bit heigher (you will notice this when it ends on other meshes).
Another important info is that, it mostly works well with just plane meshes or on terrains (therefore use the terrain shade instead of illum).
If this doesn't help you, then show us your texture names and tell us what you've pasted into the alphas and how your mesh looks like, or where you want to use it (like terrain).
Maybe this helps you a bit, try to check every step and make sure u did everything right.
Why I outta (Insert Homer strangling Bart picture)