Hi All,
Typically I would not ask for help on a matter like this as finding the answer is predicated on using google. However it seems as if I have exhausted my options and am now turning for help after a couple of hours of frustration.
I have turned off UAC in windows 7 X64 Pro
I have turned off Read Only on all Max 2013 folders
I have tried to resolve problem as an administrator and regular user
Gamma Lut is turned off(even though it is not related to this problem)
I have dragged and dropped the .mzp file in the viewport as well as running it as a MaxScript.
All folders and files seem to be in their appropriate directories as defined by Laurens.
With all that being said I am stumped and appealing for help.. Thanks Avi
I'm not entirely sure about the error though, could you show me the full error text it gives me in the Maxscript log ?
edit: http://www.polycount.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1765852&postcount=517
Alex: I checked, your problem was a different one, the FX file is obviously missing. As was pointed out. Did you get that fixed or do you have another problem ?
Man I tried every .net runtime I could. No fix to this point. Even reverted bax to Max 2012 to no avail. I gotta be missing something. Man I wish I knew how to script.Anyhow thank you for your time . I know your busy.
Thanks Avi:poly121:
The DotNet issue is just puzzling to me. This is basic 3DS Max functionality afaik.
Can you open the Maxscript listener (F11) and type this into the pink field: and then hit enter. It should print a blue confirmation in the white field that just states the class again. if you type temp again and hit enter, it should confirm again. If it's saying undefined or some error then I know DotNet is just not working globally.
Edit: can you also check if the folder 3DSMax\Scripts\XoliulShaderUI\images is present? Same for a \temp folder in that images folder. It should contain a "NoImage.png" file.
Anyway guys, honestly this thing just needs a bit of rewriting to avoid problems like these. Ever since I changed job I've had trouble finding the time for it, but I will try.
It does state the class again, dotNetClass:System.Drawing.Image is returned. The images folder is present. The .png file is actually... Off_NoImage.jpg
Thanks a million, Avi
DX 9 in the viewport with Nitrous disabled and the gamma settings properly set. It's not the shader, as usual it's Autodesk fixing something that wasn't broken in the first place. BTW the stripped down shader seems to work fine in 2012
I really appreciate the effort you're putting in to get this shader working for me Xoliul. I have no idea what I'm doing with scripts haha.
Many of us can't turn of UAC at work. And the user folders are meant to be used for these type of situations where files need to be installed or created/modified.
Unfortunately we can't install Xoliul at work due to its folder structure, which is a pitty
I might just have a look at it again now though.
I really appreciate you tending to this. If there is anything else you need from me let me know. I hope to get it up and running as it's such a great labor of love on the development side. Thanks again
Try this please. I'm not officially releasing it yet, want to get it tested a bit first.
The installation script was acting funny on my pc: i didn't write this so it's hard for me to fix this. You might have to manually uninstall the old one and then install this. Let me know if that's the case.
(all of this is in you max install folder)
in 3DsMax / scripts delete the whole XoliulShaderUI folder
in 3DsMax/scripts/startup delete Xoliulshader_startup.ms
in 3DsMax/maps/fx delete all (2 or 3) xoliulshader files
Now try the installer again. If you can't drag and drop the mzp into max, do script > runscript on it.
So here are my findings.
1) After deleting the Xoliul Shader files and their folders from C:Program files/Autodesk/3dsMax2012/Scripts (and Scripts/Startup folders) the Xoliul shader Icon still exists in the Material MapBrowser drop down. Should this be?
2) The original Xoliul installer made a parallel installation in the following location
C:Users/Avraham/AppData/Local/Autodesk/3dsMax/2012-64bit/enu/Scripts (and Scripts/Startup folders). I deleted all Xoliul files and folders from all locations
before manually installing the update 7.
3) I did not re-manually install the update 7 files in C:Users/Avraham/AppData/Local/Autodesk/3dsMax/2012-64bit/enu/Scripts (and Scripts/Startup folders) and upon startup I get the MaxScript Autoload ScriptError attached as label A
4) The Xoliul Shader now will not load unless the files and folders are placed in C:Users/Avraham/AppData/Local/Autodesk/3dsMax/2012-64bit/enu/Scripts (and Scripts/Startup folders) as well as C:Program files/Autodesk/3dsMax2012/Scripts (and Scripts/Startup folders)
5) I even went into the Registry to make sure UAC is completely disabled
Admittedly I am not very savy when it comes to diagnosing scripting issues. Perhaps a clean install of 3dSmax is in order. I do apologize if this is because of my error. Thank you again,( ad nauseum )at this point I'm sure..LOL
P.S I just tried in Max 2013 and I get similar but not Identical results. Let me know if you want screengrabs or MaxScript Listener files
- Easy install with no manual effort required. If you need to do something manual, I need to fix it because this is wrong.
- Install the shader ONLY into userscripts. Nothing related to xoliulshader should be present in the program files/autodesk/3dsmax directory.
- Hopefuly fix this dotnet thumbnail issue
It looks like you have messed things up a bit poopster. Try clearing everything (scripts and userscripts) so you can start with a clean slate. I have uploaded a new installer on the same link. It should only install to userscripts and work flawless on restart. If it doesn't, report back what it errors with and if you can tell, what files it failed to install. it's much harder for me to pinpoint the exact problem if you manually try to move and fix files like you did last time (since I have no idea what you do and if it is correct).Thanks for the help testing! Let's get this sorted!
Was away for a couple of days, the new iteration works like a charm. Thanks for this a million times over.
After I close the exception error I get a message that says --No ""+"" function for undefined
Try just reinstalling the latest version from the website, see if that fixes it.