At the advise of my professor Im going to work on this concept first then go back to hand paint my other Vlaskin i'll be working on this mech then rigging it at the end of the quarter...

Im working on a High to low poly workflow...Imma try to highpoly in sections and combine it at the end so the process might look kind of 'wonky' at first... :P

Legs and misc parts so far
Think that low to high poly workflow seems to be better in this case...
On that note :P some shots before sleep...
also, if I wanted to rig the part in red so I can expand out while its stationary or collasp in is while its walking...should I leave the part as is or place it at the starting point of the animation??
Will be interesting to watch your progress!
Its a bit vague but for now I don't think it'll be visible too much when its moving.
@AimBiZ: Thanks, I 'beefed' it up a bit
Added little nick nacks :P roughed in some shapes for the seats/cock pit...Haven't thought about it too much...unless I want to ride in it in udk :P
found this online while researching mech stuff...think imma add it :P
So far for the day.... probably look like this for a while till my other class assignments are done...I figured I might as well unwrap it before moving onto the high poly.
The original concept shows that the mech is clearly a construction mech, that is not outfitted with any type of fighting ability. The cockpit is completely exposed and the guy inside would be the number one target if this thing were to go into battle. Also with the guns attached the front claw thing doesn't seem all the necessary.
I think you should consider doing one of two things with the design. Either take the original mech, and then build it in such a way that it looks like a few guys converted it into a fighting mech in a junk yard with spare parts. So armor plating is just bolted on wherever, different kinds of metal everywhere, and stuff like that. Or try to turn that original concept into a battle mech by changing the design completely of the front end and cock pit.
Just my thought.
I'll see how much time I got cause professor wants it modeled within a week...then again I do like the idea of changing the cockpit to suit it for battle as well as losing the claw.
Thanks for the feedback
Will be texturing those last though...FINALLY done UV mapping...I know its part of the process but talk about plenty of effort for little to show for it...
high poly time
looking forward seeing this progress :P
High Poly parts
Some nick nacks I might use for later details
This was the clip that I modeled and unwrapped flat before using path deform.
This probably isn't the 'prettiest' way to model this but with my time crunch it was the fastest.
Survival horror resident evil type of deal...but no zombies, any non living thing can come to life O.o
Zsphere block out of soon to be fleshy tenticals...
So in the end i'll have one without the organic tentacles for one class and one with for the other...rigged and animated...
So far....added base colors with some details just to get the idea across...I decided to texture this similar to the CAT construction vehicles. Looking at some of the massive excavating vehicles I figured this mech was something CAT might be able to produce.
@tottot Im trying to imagine the tentacles in areas where it would allow the tentacles to control the hoping it looks believable when im done.
@Christian Nordgren: thanks's where im at on the zbrush side...
I think i might export this mat cap as an overlay for the final diffuse as well.
I think u should have put some effort into streamlining the silhouette. It's really busy and imbalanced that it doesn't really showcase any of the cool mechanics and craftsmanship illustrated in your previous updates. There is a lot you can do with a texture pass, so I look forward to seeing what you come up with.
Also, the bumpers/shields on the legs look a little barren. Spice them up a bit.
Cant wait to see ur tentacle stuff. It would be cool if you could make it look like the mech is being tied down and imprisoned into the environment.
Figuring this out as a go :P I was bouncing around a few ideas but for a piece that's supposed to be the bumper guards there wouldn't be much there in terms of visuals right???
Thanks for the feedback roosterMap
Finally figured out the look I want for the its just a matter of doing it to all of the subtools..
Give or a take some yellows and various colors to indicate decay, muscle, and dead tissue.
a) export the lowest sub division created from zsphere skins to max to unwrap and bring it back in to project the high onto the low.
b) polypaint first then export to be unwrap and bring it back in to project the high onto the low.
c) export low, unwrap in Max,export high, bake in xNormal or topo gun.
Im still trying to get the zbrush workflow down.
Btw, the leg guards, you could add two spiky bits to the bottom so that it could sink them down in the ground to stabilize itself (they look like they are movable). Kind of the shape of the shield Legolas skates on in Moria in Fellowship of the Ring...
This weekend for the spec maybe. . .
I went through all of the variations that were suggested, seeing what would be the most interesting...
Still leaning towards the one with the guns...but I might just put them all up
This is the one that's going to be animated...
Still trying to nail the organic, human-ish, gooey bits in the shader set-up...
Feedback is always welcomed....
Tried to relight it but not to my liking as of yet...
Maybe instead of going for a kinda instenstine look shoot for something a little more muscle like? Overall it's awesome!
I think adding the guns was a bad choice, it severely bogs down the design visually and doesn't make any functional sense.
The biggest problem however is that you've made the critical mistake of applying rust, wear, and damage to every single edge of your model which only serves to was out the normal map and exaggerate the edges that the normal map was supposed to smooth out.