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[CE3] Angkor Themed Environment

Hi Polycount!

For my final project for uni, I will be creating an environment within CryEngine 3 based on the area of Angkor. This will be the first time i'll be creating a level within CryEngine, so will be mostly a learning exercise throughout the project. As part of the project before this, we were tasked with creating a research document and a pre-production/planning document for the project. Ive attached this so people can get a feel for what I am making they are quite large, as video's are embed within them.

Research Document - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/60821326/ResearchDocument.pdf

Pre-Production Document - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/60821326/PreProductionDocument.pdf

Due to other commitments this project has had to be scaled back a bit and will be more focussed on this concept, created by me.

I'm going to be using this thread to post my work, receive critique etc to push it/me to the limits.



  • MichaelElphick
    Managed to get some work done on this over the weekend, created a few stone blocks, from maya box, to zbrush and then baked down onto a low poly, I haven't done this before so was a very good learning process, I also managed to pick up a bit of Max too!

    Heres the first couple completed(ish), throw into the forest test level.


  • Jonas Dahlman
    Hi, great theme! Like the texture of the blocks the geometry of them look to straight to me... I suggest bumping in those lines (to make a more interesting silouette as well) and make them look more damaged, old and irregular.
  • PixelSuit
    Hey Michael, nice concept, you have done well to shield the backdrop so it doesn't need to be modelled while still keeping plenty of foliage visible. To be honest I prefer it like this, it creates a feeling of mystery as to what's over that wall.

    Is there a reason for the red stone? Is that where the ruins have partly been rebuilt? This could be an important part of telling the story with this scene so its certainly worth considering.

    One of the first things I imagine people think about when they hear 'Angkor Wat' are the tress with gigantic roots, growing down and ripping apart the stone work, 'reclaiming' the land. Have you considered adding one or more of these to the scene?

    Good luck with the work, will be nice to see how this develops
  • MichaelElphick
    @PixelSuit Hi thanks, from my research that I did in the area, the ruins were originally built from different types of sandstones, so I'm guessing it is just a colour variation of nature, currently unsure if I will incorporate it into my environment , but will make a nice break up of all the green.

    I did orginially plan to create an environment incorporating all the various elements of Angkor such as the root trees, but due to time constraints it has had to be scaled down (Doing a internship at Guerrila Games Cambridge)

    The original plan was this:


    Also a concept that I did for the rooty trees area.


    I'm hoping if i manage to storm through the top concept that I will have time to sculpt the trees as they look so interesting to do.

    @Jonas Dahlman Hi, yeah it's just the same rock replicated around, I'm going to have two sets of 8 , one set is a fairly clean version (for building up the walls/ man structure) and then a heavily destroyed/eroded set for the ruins around the floor etc,

    Are there any tools/techniques for making a bump map really 'pop' so the moss on top of the rocks looks built up than rather flat like it is now?


  • MichaelElphick
    Starting building upon the proxy meshes today and started blocking in more meshes to get a feel for the area, also slapped some temporary textures onto some parts.

  • MichaelElphick
    I finished my internship at Guerrilla Games Cambridge so now have all my time to spend finishing up my university work.
    Ive started getting in the proper meshes for the crazy paving slab steps and now just did a lighting pass that I'm pretty happy with.

  • MichaelElphick
    Hey guys,

    I've been working on this for a couple of months and now that it's all been marked etc I can show it off! This was my first foray into CryEngine3 and also my first 'real' environment!

    Any feedback would be great! :)






    Also heres a fly-through that I created.

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