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Modular Couners of Pre Exsisting element

sorry if this is a sort of re post I searched did not find what I was looking for.
Anyways, I have a plane that I have modeled in to a 64 unit wide by 256 piece and I wanted to use the bend modifier at -90 to make it a 90 degree bend that would snap to the grid (grid is 16 units) and the sides would just not line up, no amount of turning the piece or whatever got it line up on the grid with the other.
So Then path deform WSM on a circle to try to get it to work and same flawed results:poly127:. Am I missing something here? This is the piece attached (just a little test piece to see if i can get this to work.)ModularCourner_zpsb51f697b.jpg


  • Sean VanGorder
    To be honest you'll always have a bit of trouble trying to match corners to a grid perfectly when using bend or path deform, unless you're using the simplest of geometry, such as a flat plane. You'll probably be better off doing it manually. You can use the bend or path deform as a starting point and then adjust it by hand with snaps on. You could also just create a another piece entirely to use as a corner, like some sort of column or pillar that just acts as a cap on the end of the wall. It would give you more variety and it wouldn't have to match up perfectly.
  • Wonkey
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    Wonkey polycounter lvl 10
    Hey Cory good to see you!
    My suggestion would be to check out this article on the making of the Zest Foundation I don't know if it would work for you, but he bends the pieces after they are baked down. Less geo to to wonkey.
  • Corey Miller
    Thanks Man I'll check that out.
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