Hello every one this is my first time posting any thing on this site. I would like to show off my WIP of my Deadpool character. I am working on my base mesh then I plain on putting it into 3d coat or zbrush and do the bump mapping and texturing. I would love any feed back that any one could give me. I am a Rigger not really a modeler but I want to get better at my modeling skills that is way I am here!!

will you be retopologising the high later?
*Athomield - Thank man.
I plane on getting the base mesh done today then going to start on the clothing and weapons.
Since youre going to be retopoing later, its recommended that you keep the mesh as simple as possible. What you dont want,
- Ngons
- Triangles
- Lcorners (like the one near his nostril)
What you want
-edges which are spaced out equally.I.e You should refrain from adding sharp edges/creases like in the pec/abs area.
For the hand, id recommend making it simpler like the one on theleft
but if you want, this is probably the kindyou should go for
Still have some work to do but I think it is going in the right direction!