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Using others concept's for modelling

polycounter lvl 8
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uberphoenix polycounter lvl 8
I've had a look around the forums and thought I'd ask this.

What do you do, if you aren't very good at making your own concepts but you find yourself competent at modelling?

I tried starting an environment today, and found myself stopping every so often because i had nothing to reference properly. I could easily look at real life stuff and just change it to fit the style I am going for but when it's more of a fantasy things get hard.

In some videos i watched online, 3D character/environment artists etc don't actually make their own concepts (most of the time) it's normally another person's role to do this.

What are your views on using other people's concepts for your modelling, and do you find as long as you have their permission or credited them that it's ok to add that piece to your portfolio?


  • ZacD
    Online / Send Message
    ZacD ngon master
    as long as you have their permission or credited them that it's ok to add that piece to your portfolio?

    Yes, concept artists exist for a reason, and as a modeler you shouldn't limit yourself by only working with your own concepts if you are not good at concepting.
  • the_Adri
    I used to draw and my parents discouraged. I quit all together and completely forgot how to draw. I recently got back into art. What I do is that I ask my drawing friend to draw concepts using my ideas. I either illustrate or model them. I do give her full credit. As long as you give them credit, I don;t see it as a problem.
  • AlexLeighton
    Credit the concept artist. If you're worried, contact the artist first, but most people I know would be really excited for someone to be making their concept into a model.
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