hey all,
When I import several objects from max as a signular OBJ and the import them into Photoshop CS6, the assets collapse into one mesh, and I haven't figured out a way to separate the separate objects / elements into individual layers. This would be convenient so I could hide different parts of a body, (say hiding the hair planes so I can paint on the head mesh easier.) but after tooling around with it for a few hours, I still havent figured this out.
Alternatively, I've imported several different objs into a single scene inside CS6, where their scale and location information is lost. Every asset has its pivot recentered and is resized to fill the entire canvas, making your scene a mess of different elements that have to be reassembled.
if anybody has figured this out, I'd appreciate a tip.
thanks guys
PS 3d's painting tools are pretty lackluster. Did you try and painting on an exploded mesh instead?
An 'exploded' mesh has no relevance to CS6, it will combine all separate elements into one object when imported into photoshop if they've been exported into a single .OBJ. The exploded elements exported individually will import each asset as a unique object with their pivots recentered and placed at 0,0,0.
I've reached a decent workaround, but a solution would still be cool if anyone is familiar with how this system works.
Anyone come up with a solution yet, how is it in the newest version of photoshop, CC?