OK, this is really starting to annoy me.
I've got a level, and I've got a package with one texture that I was using, but it is not being using any more, so I deleted it, right? Well, now every time I load the level I get an annoying message telling me it can't find this texture, which isn't even being referenced by anything in the level. It's not as though I forcefully deleted it while it was still being referenced by a material. I made sure there were no references to it, selected delete, it complied without any fuss, and now this level appears to be foobared for no reason.
How the heck do I get UDK to straighten up and fly right?
I re-imported the texture, then tried to delete it again, and this time I got an error saying that another package had a reference to it via an "ObjectRedirect", so I googled it and found the UDK command "fixupredirects".
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