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My UDK Kismet Scripting Thread

Hey everyone,

I thought it would be good for me to share some of my kismet scripting and general UDK tech art. For full details on my scripts you can check out www.hatchiedesign.com and feel free to ask if you have any questions. A direct link to my kismet documentation http://hatchiedesign.com/?page_id=952

Moving Objects
This kismet script shows how to setup objects so a player can carry them from one point to another. In this example I use this method to get up to a higher point of the map. The script uses bools to check to see if the player is moving a crate. If the player is he can not move another crate until the first crate is set down.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJ2mA_0sCPw"]UDK: Moving Crates to Reach Goal - YouTube[/ame]

Faking an item key card pickup to unlock a door
Keycard pickup using kismet, to unlock a security door. In the event of player death the keycard is destroyed and respawns at its orginal location. Door is then locked until the player goes back to pick up the keycard again. In this case our key card is the stock UDk barrel... so fancy it is!
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEABx7odasQ"]Keycard Pickup Though Kismet - YouTube[/ame]


  • McGreed
    Offline / Send Message
    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    I like the idea of have examples of kismet tricks. However you might want to have better resolutions of the kismet pictures, because its hard, if not impossible, to see whatever is written.
  • AmbiguousPackage
    Yeah I was worried they would not show well, Kismet's a hard one to get screen grabs that make sense. May just end up doing full video tutorials for them. Once I figure out why my fraps decided to not record my entire screen are more.

    I will load the other images from my site into the this thread here later. I have some zoomed in images.
  • McGreed
    Offline / Send Message
    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    I know what you mean, trying to get a picture of your full kismet or shader tree is a real pain. But I think I saw someone who made a macro script which took the pictures and move the screen. I'll try to see if I can find it when I get home.

    Btw, you might want to try and see if you can make the pictures of the kismet and save it compressed with .png instead of .jpg, it might help keeping the details while keeping the filesize down, but it does require a little bit of tinkling with photoshops export settings.
  • AmbiguousPackage
    That macro script sounds like it could be really helpful, would be really interested in something like that. Does it interface with UDK or is it some kind of stand alone thing?
  • McGreed
    Offline / Send Message
    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    Hmm, darn can't seem to find it it. But either way, it was actually something with a macro program, where it records you scrolling the window and take screenshots, and it was bound to one key.
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