Hi guys,
Just wanted to share this side project I'm working on for fun. Crits and comments are welcome. The idea comes from all those mini cinematics in Mass Effect when you arrive at different planets or stations. I want to do a short animation of the Normandy landing in this space dock.
So here are a couple of shots of my progress and where I currently am. This is not going to be following games specs. It's just for fun and doing something cool.

Now this is pretty much the Normandy finished. I did some tweaks later but I didn't do a stand alone render. and the last image is where I am currently at.

Maybe lighten the docking station and ship a bit while giving it a warmer tone so that it creates a bit more contrast to the background.
These are 2 angles that I am playing with for the end of the animation (hero shot).
Here are my 2 cents about the lighting: Assuming your only light sources are the sun and the relatively weak running lights on the station, I think your lighting and shadows would be a lot more harsh here. Generally in space photos the shadows are very dark. Also I think you'd have some reasonably strong reflected blue light from the planet.
Also I threw in a suggestion to help the form of the ship read better: basically cut out all the station geometry that intersects the ship in this "hero shot". Of course this might not be a good solution if it messes up your idea of how the station should be built.
Looking forward to seeing the animation!
I'll finish the animation today and then I'll get back to the lighting. This paintover helps a lot.
So the idea for the animation is to start looking at space and have a reveal moment for the Normandy, then you see it approach and finally docks.
Keep it up!
I still need to tweak some lighting things that I saw from this comp but just wanted to share the progress.
maybe you should make some light on that thing in the top of the big ship because i don't really know where i have to look . wath are you planning for the focal point ? make that sun ( is that a sun ) light less powerful . are you working on udk or max render ?
good luck