i wanna make a character for a mobile game, but i have no idea what should be the polygon budget. lets take the main character from 9mm.
What do u think whats his polycount, texture size? i dont think they used normal map, but his face, and jacket seems to have specular map.
I know in GTA the polycount per character was about 2200. texture 256x256. but it doesnt look as detailed.
its always hard to say what is the optimal polycount for a single asset on any kind of platform, you need to look at the scene as a whole and then determine what would be an acceptable overall count for the device in question. And polycounts are just one aspect to consider here, you need to also worry about texture sizes, shaders, animations etc..
any mobile game i've worked on never exceeded 1k for characters
props usually sat around 250 tri's max.
3k is with 512square maps is probably a sensible ballpark for a portfolio piece
The specs were 5k triangles and 1024² diffuse/normal/specular.
But like poopipe said a 3k 512² maps character is probably a good estimate
yeah thats not a bad estimate at all. depends on the game and which devices they aim for, you could get away with 5k or even 7-10k with 1024x1024 maps on the latest devices if the scenery and lods are low poly enough.