Hey guys,
Its been a while since I have been on here and since also dabbled with some new work. I know its a ballsy thing to do but I wanted to link a portfolio (In development) for review as it would be great to get an overall perspective and fresh eyes.
what's working, what's not.
Many thanks for the constructive crits
eg. The Cesna Jungle crash. I want to see it upclose, all that lovely detail, and instead, it jumps to other images (which are nowhere near as important) when i click the image.
Post BOLD links to hi res images or perhaps try put some green behind a better wesbite, Wix are pretty good, and their templates are nice enough.
Cheers for the response, I agree with both points. Carbonmade, although I have paid abit extra it seems to still dumb down the resolution which seems to be a real shame. I am hoping to visit the Cessna again and also the war room as I really enjoyed working on them, also would like to get some nice grabs of some stand alone assets as there not too polished at the moment
the only reason why I didn't have a spot for my CV was because I would usually enclose to along with an application linking to the portfolio. Iam going to look into it as I notice allot of people do attached it to there sites now days.