Hi there, I'm modeling a Cryo Container from Deus Ex Human Revolution following the concept art included in the art-book of the Augmented Edition.
This is the first time I model both hi-poly and low-poly (and the first time I show something to other people too actually...), so before starting with UVs and textures, I thought of asking you guys for feedback/comments/critics.
Thanks a lot




Is it ok or should I optimized the mesh even more? I left the grooves on the sides 'cause I tried to match the silhouette of the concept. Is it ok with this polycount?
In the meantime I made the UV too, I hope they are ok, but I'll leave a snapshot of them here in case you have some suggestion about them too.
I always recommend support edges as you have much more control of the look of your model. With that said, your edges are WAY to sharp for a game model. We have to compensate for resolution issues when we bake normal maps and thus need to make our edges much more dull then they might be in real life.