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Post Apocalypse Skytrain Station

polycounter lvl 14
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ProperSquid polycounter lvl 14
Hello all,

I am a student at Capilano University, and I am working on creating a portfolio for graduation. If you could give me feedback on the following piece, I would really appreciate that. Thank you.

Right now I am at the blocking out stage, so I am mostly focusing on composition and general form of the Skytrain Station.


  • ProperSquid
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    ProperSquid polycounter lvl 14
    Here's an update for everyone! I'm starting to add details to the scene. Any thoughts on what needs to be changed/ added/ etc is appreciated.

  • Xelan101
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    Xelan101 polycounter lvl 14
    Not seeing any images in your posts. Make sure you're uploading them properly
  • ProperSquid
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    ProperSquid polycounter lvl 14
    Hey Xelan101, I think there were some problems with Tinypic earlier. They appear to be working now (I can see them). I will look into another host if it continues to not behave.
  • Trage
    It looks interesting but so far we have no Idea what your aiming for, you really need to post your concepts and refrecnes so we know what your aiming towards.
  • Benton
    Ooooh I love the skytrain stations, gonna follow this!
  • ProperSquid
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    ProperSquid polycounter lvl 14
    Thank you for your feedback!

    Trage: Good point. I don't have any concept art (if that is what you mean), but the general idea is to take this Skytrain station and have it go through 3 phases.

    Now: The Skytrain station as you would see it today.
    Unclaimed: The apocalypse has happened, and the station has laid unmaintained for a few years.
    Reclaimed: People have taken over the station and started fortifying it and making it their home.

    Also, here's reference pictures that I took (first one), and found (the rest).

    Benton: Glad you're interested. Thanks!
  • David-J
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    David-J polycounter lvl 11
    Don't worry much about the composition if you are building it in UDK. I mean it has to look good from every angle so have some 3 hero shots and make it awesome for those 3 different angles. Don't get tied up on that one angle. Other than that it's looking good. Are you going for full on realistic texturing or are you trying out something different?
    and what do you mean by "have it go through 3 phases."
  • Christian Nordgren
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    Christian Nordgren polycounter lvl 11
    I think it would be a smart thing to organize how many props or broken pieces you want to add. Trashcans, metal scraps, torn posters, brokenpillars etc. So you don't get stuck on phase 2 or some pieces may become useless
  • ProperSquid
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    ProperSquid polycounter lvl 14
    David-J: I would love to build this in UDK or Unity, but I really don't know how to use either, and I don't think I will have time to learn it and do all of the other projects. Either way, they're on my to-do list. I'm not sure if I want to go realistic or stylized, but I know I want to do some crazy thing with shaders (like having time mapped to a texture... will show more when I get to that point.) Also, the 3 phases refers to the scene going through different states. Now, post apocalypse, and reclaimed.

    Christian Nordgern: I agree with you 100%. The plan is to have all the geo needed, and then go ahead and destroy it.
  • ProperSquid
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    ProperSquid polycounter lvl 14
  • ProperSquid
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    ProperSquid polycounter lvl 14
    Here's an update that has taking a long while. Textures! I'm mainly using the textures as masks and colouring them through the shader. I'm going to go and layer on a second pass of grime and gunk onto everything to further add some variation. So, without further delay, here's the update! Also, the background image is the Uffizi HDRI probe from Paul Debovec's website. I'm only using the HDRI to help build the shaders. After that, I will remove the HDRI and build a sun/sky.

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