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HIK: Stay In Place

polycounter lvl 10
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NomadSoul2501 polycounter lvl 10
Hi everyone :)

I have a HIK rig in Maya 2012 and now need to export an animation where the character moves around in the world as an animation where the character stays in place.

I remember that Motionbuilder used to have a simple check mark to do that.
Looking it up I even found this tutorial: [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljZxPX_PVwQ"]MotionBuilder Speed Tutorial: How to remove the translation of a Characters Motion (In-Place Mode) - YouTube[/ame]

But it seems that the HIK solver does not have that functionality neither in Maya nor Motionbuilder.

Am I just missing it?
Sure, I can just push the x+z translation from the root joint to the master locator but it seems like such an essential function that it has to be somewhere.

Any assistance in helping me find it would be greatly appreciated :)



  • bejkon
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    bejkon polygon
    I think maya 2011 was the last version with FBIK and is now fully replaced by HIK.

    You can try to bake down your animation on the skeleton the select the hips right click on translate z and x in the Channel Box and press "mute selected".
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