Hi everyone, this is my first post here on polycount.
I was browsing the forum when I came up with a page of interesting weapon designs from
Blaisoid and decided to give it a go.
It is my first try at weapons, as I usually have modeled hp cars and vehicles in the past.
I would like to do also a low poly version of this asset since i want to learn lp and baking techniques but never had a real chance before.
This is what I came up with for the hp till now :poly108:

trigger guard is as thick as the grip and grip itself has really sharp edges and distinguishable sides. because of that it looks uncomfortable to hold and design feels more cheap.
that horizontal piece with 3 convex stripes also is 100% flat while on concept it's slightly bulky.
Other than that it's a nice interpretation, and most of design issues come from the concept itself rather than you modeling anything wrong.
keep it up!
While you certainly want to follow Blaisoid's concept, you should go out and grab reference images of actual pistol grips and follow similar contours across your grip.
I'm really bad with weapon as I'm not an expert of the genre, I will do my best to fix the grip.
Week-end is approaching, don't know how much time I'll have to work on this but I'll do my best to upload new picture as soon as possible.
@Zyloh I'm bad with render too, i used Keyshot for this, I just imported the obj and clicked render xD
This will definetly not be my last weapon and I'll try to choose something more functional next time.
Tanks for the comment, it is always good to receive critiques from experienced people in the industry.
Now it is time to start the retopology, here is the first question, is it better to use my initial low poly model or should i use topogun to redo the whole gun as a single mesh?