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Pixel art Sci-fi environment

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TheIceHeLater polygon

Just thought I'd post my latest personal work. Tried some pixel art and it was really fun working with! Took around 2 hours to finish.

Feel free to give feedback!



  • Burnova
    That is fantastic! It reminds me of some of the games I used to play before Shmups lost favor and the 16-bit world vanished. Pixel art in games is making a comeback in the indie world, and I think this looks pretty sweet. It has a cyberpunk/apocalyptic war feel to it, and I like that quite a bit.
  • tristamus
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    tristamus polycounter lvl 9
    2 hours?!!? Fuck you!! :poly136: :)

    Excellent work sir.
  • TheIceHeLater
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    TheIceHeLater polygon
    Thanks guy's! :) Really glad you like it.
    Yeah I love that pixel art is making a comeback. It takes you back in time to when a few pixels could be so much!

    Haha, yeah I actually made it in a rush for my students then finished it at home :) And the awesome thing about pixel art is that everything is supposed to be tileable ;)
  • ljsketch
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    ljsketch polycounter lvl 6
    looks good. the color palette reminds me of tron. was this done in photoshop?
  • TheIceHeLater
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    TheIceHeLater polygon
    Thanks mate!
    Yes, I made it in photshop with the pencil and eraser tools.

    Will probably post another one very soon, so keep your eyes open :)
  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    Rather messy, in particular the background. Not sure if that's because of resizing artifacts or if you're using some weird kind of brush for the dithering. But the clouds also could use some refining and the silhouette on the right is quite wobbly in places.

    The ships are okay, though not my kind of style, but they also suffer from inconsistent pixel size.
  • TheIceHeLater
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    TheIceHeLater polygon
    Snader: you are obviously not good att giving crits, so I'm not gonna feel offended. But you may want to keep in mind that to keep forums a nice place to share your work, get help and look at others work, you should think about how you say things.

    Thank you for the feedback though! I will definately look at it again some time and fix the pixels where they are a little bit messy. As I said earlier this was made very quickly so there are some places in the picture that im not 100% satisfied with.
  • aajohnny
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    aajohnny polycounter lvl 14
    Nice work! I've always loved Pixel art and this is just awesome. I'd love to see you make one spending more time, see how much better it'll be :)
  • TheIceHeLater
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    TheIceHeLater polygon
    Thanks man! Will definately do that. Already working on something, just need the time to be able too finish it :)
  • roosterMAP
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    roosterMAP polycounter lvl 14
    I really like the clouds. Good job!
  • TheIceHeLater
  • TheIceHeLater
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    TheIceHeLater polygon
    New painting! Don't really know if I like it or not so your feedback is very appreciated. This one is made in 320x240 pixels, so it's a little bit smaller than the first one. Might make it more wide-screen later :)
    Wanted to make something in fantasy style instead of sci-fi.

  • urgaffel
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    urgaffel polycounter lvl 17
    Because you're resizing the images your pixel sizes are all over the place. Why resize? And if you have to resize, do it in multiples of 2 at least, that way you'll avoid the worst of the weirdness...

    Having said that, I like both your images but the variable pixel widths annoy me a bit, especially the outlines on the ships that go from 3-4 pixels to 1...

    Edit: The dithering in the background is weird as well. Intentional?
  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    TheIceHeLater: you are obviously not good att receiving crits, so I'm not gonna feel offended. But you may want to keep in mind that to keep forums a nice place to get feedback on your work, get help and look at others work, you should think about how you react to things. For instance, if you ask for feedback, and then get feedback, don't get pissy at someone pointing out legitimate flaws in your work.


    The sunset is better, but still has inconsistent pixel sizes, overly busy and distracting dithering, sloppy linework. And I hadn't noticed on my phone, but you're also using *.JPG. Don't do that. Use *.PNG or *.GIF.
  • TheIceHeLater
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    TheIceHeLater polygon
    Thank you for the feedback guys!

    The dithering in the backgound in the first image was, as I said before, made in a hurry so it got kind of messy. The background on the other image was more intentional, and I kind of like it. If you have other better ideas on how to get it done you are welcome to give me some examples :) Im not that great at the technical stuff, just want the images to have a good design, composition and mood.

    I didn't even realise that the pixels changed so much by resizing them. Will try and fix it. Great advice!

    Snader: Don't get me wrong, I was greatful that you gave me feedback :) I just feel that there is good and bad feedback. If you only point out the things in someones work thats bad and don't give any explanation on how to correct it, you end up making that person feel bad more than helping him/her.
    The other post was great. The images you posted was very helpful!

    The line work may be a little sloppy, but I dont wan't it to be too refined. I like to keep my images a bit loose so it doesn't feel as stiff as in the example you posted. Think that's a matter of taste or am I just too unexeprienced?
  • TheIceHeLater
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    TheIceHeLater polygon
    Here is one that I made 2x larger and exported in .PNG

  • Luke003
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    Luke003 polycounter lvl 8
    I really like the mood and composition of the sunset pic. I would really love to see a timelapse or a tutorial on your process for creating these. Keep 'em coming.
  • ljsketch
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    ljsketch polycounter lvl 6
    Looking at the comparison given by Snader's last post, I can understand his/her perspective. If you are going for a particular style, perhaps clarify that in your post, otherwise we are all guessing at the kind of feedback you want. Personal, I like both. I like the abstract quality of both pieces and would not mind having one as a desktop background should you create one at the appropriate size in the near future.

    But to give a little feedback on your piece, the line variation on the outside of the ships is a little distracting. The way you handled the rim light on the sunset scene (bridge) is more even. I think the ships could use the same treatment, maybe the structure in the foreground (sci fic piece) could use the same refinement. Another thing that could use a little adjusting is the sunset. I know you like the loose look, but certain areas in your art could use a little refinement for balance, sunset being one of them. Looks like dotted lines right now and does not flow evenly imo. My last critique is the reflection( sic fi). I know you did this one quick but look at the reflection in the sunset piece versus the sci fi piece....sunset is handle much better and reads like a reflection more than the first. Pardon my long explanation and scattered critique. Hope that helps.
  • TheIceHeLater
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    TheIceHeLater polygon
    Im glad to hear you like it! Might record one for my students and then post it here :)

    Thank you ljsketch for taking the time to write that feedback.
    I too understand his/her perspective, and thought the last post was very helpful :)

    Might actually make a desktop background if people wold use it. A friend of mine actually asked me to make him one last week!
    Will look through the sunset image again and fix some stuff soon and have your advice in mind! The rest i'll have in mind when I make future paitings.

    Thanks again guys!
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