Hey you hand painting guys out there...I was wondering if you guys can help me out on hand painting an entire environment...this chandelier was the style I was going for...this seemed easy enough to hand paint taking into consideration only a single light source on a single item...

I had also wondered if a spec map is needed for hand painted textures or was the spec "faked" and painted onto the diffuse already.
Or if normals are used as well or an AO map is simply overlaid ontop the Diffuse.
On that note, the scene below is what i was reffering to...

I had follow the same painting process as I did with the chandelier earlier but maybe I missed a key understanding to the hand painted texture process.
The material setup in udk is super simple with tpages plugged into their corresponding nodes..ie Diffuse tpage to Diffuse slot.
But this was the concept im working from

Thanks in advance

Looking at your model above, the first thing that hit me was your nomal isn't showing up at all. As for the scene, your lighting is far too blunt, it needs softening up and blending, to match the overall tone of the concept.
WoW: handpainted diffuse, no specific spec and no normal, lighting is usually baked into the diffuse, although there's no specific lighting direction in WoW neither does it have a very obvious baked AO.
Darksiders/dishonored: hand painted diffuse, matching spec and normal, all the usual baked AO and a little bit of baked lighting in places i think.
Ultimately, with any style of hand painted props, you need to get good at painting really nice shading, lighting and colors and be able to paint forms well. That's your starting point, from there you can decide whether or not you also want normals or not.
You also could do a combination of both, some things only diffuse, some things with normal maps. Borderlands 2 did this to a pretty great effect. They also did high poly bakes to start there diffuse, which is an interesting way to do it too.
Working with the light source within engine and trying to paint the textures was a problem I never did resolve. I think I might try to just only have one directional light and work off of that.
@Impala88 and Owl- I'll pick on direction on the "style" and go from there...I think I was trying different processes here and they didn't mesh well.
@odium- I didn't notice it as much but i'll go back to check on the normals as well as shaders that will mimic the brushstroke edges...im sure its just a matter of working with the emissive channel...
Thats what I didnt do! I didn't really focus on defining the materials like in the concept...thanks...