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Troll Head

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praetus interpolator
Making a troll head in ZBrush right now with the intent of baking it down, rigging it, and getting some animations on it in UDK.troll006.jpg

Yet another WoW related thing? Yeah, but I do military stuff all day for work so it breaks things up nicely for me at least. I had been reading up on FaceFX in UDK a bit and it spiked my interest. I would like to rig the face for animation, set up blend shapes as needed and get this guy working in FaceFX with some voice work. In the mean time I want this looking as good as possible because....why not? Some things I need to hear from you all;

  • Honest critiques to make this guy look his best. Seriously, lay them on me. I'm not usually a character artist so I am sure there are loads that can make this guy look better.
  • ZBrush hair sculpting. How do you do it and what tips do you know? I don't want to use fibermesh as I want to go for more of a sculpted hair. Like something you'd see if you had 3D printing in mind.
  • FaceFX; is this something that I can actually do? There are a few things on the UDN that were featured and forgotten. Is FaceFX something that is actually used commonly or would I be wasting my time by learning it? Also, is it something that can be used within matinee? I have no programming experience so I am hoping I can actually use it on my lonesome.
Right now I don't have any plans no making this guy a body but that could change. Really just focusing on the head and deformation. Best case for me is I get this guy working in UDK with some lip sync. Worst case I still get practice sculpting and baking down some character stuff.

Like I said for those critiques, let me have it. I want to get better.


  • artquest
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    artquest polycounter lvl 14
    Hi! I did a paint over for funzies cuz I love trolls.

    You have some nice anatomy going on in the lower half of the face :D I would just suggest playing with the proportions to make him look more crazy n tough. I feel like everyone in the WoW world has too look like the hulk otherwise they just wouldn't survive :P

  • praetus
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    praetus interpolator
    Wow, that is a sweet paintover. I really like the ears, tusks, temple and brow especially. I also think my nose needs more of a bridge like the paintover. However the mouth down feels more like the berserker trolls you find in the game. They're structure is more in line with the Orcs. As far as proportions go most the trolls feel pretty lanky. There are some things in that paintover though that I absolutely love. I'm going to try and incorporate some of that into the sculpt. Thanks!
  • kathryn1980
    Well there is nothing wrong with a WoW related item, or model for that matter. Most of the trolls that I have seen look rough like they have had one to many battles. This guy looks like a noob, no offense, that go bit by his dog. I like the details that went in to his cheeks and his neck, however he looks to friendly or weak. You may take his temples in a little and wrinkle the top of his nose a more too. He maybe a young soldier, but some experience can harden a persons looks. Either then that he looks good for a troll head.
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    I only can see good coming out of that paintover;


    Your model currently looks more like a Warhammer goblin then a WoW troll (minus the crazy face), nose needs to have a bridge as you mentioned, his tusks could use a slight raise, and chin can be elongated.

    I'm basing this upon the concept from Blizzard, since they're trolls are more 'royal' looking, then brutish.
  • artquest
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    artquest polycounter lvl 14
    praetus wrote: »
    Wow, that is a sweet paintover. I really like the ears, tusks, temple and brow especially. I also think my nose needs more of a bridge like the paintover. However the mouth down feels more like the berserker trolls you find in the game. They're structure is more in line with the Orcs. As far as proportions go most the trolls feel pretty lanky. There are some things in that paintover though that I absolutely love. I'm going to try and incorporate some of that into the sculpt. Thanks!

    I wasn't sure of the structure you were going for on the tusks. Are they coming out of his mouth or are they more like an elephant structure? They looked like they were coming out of his mouth so I felt like the lips needed to move down to allow the space for them. But yeah I agree it would be better to make it different from the orc's over-sized teeth. Voljin is a really nice reference though. Maybe take a look at him?

  • praetus
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    praetus interpolator
    heh, A coworker and I were taking a look at that model earlier. You're spot on with the tusks. From what we could tell with the model viewer (with the standard troll pc model) the tusks come out through the mouth and connect into the skull, presumably under the cheek bone. They have a very wide mouth since the lips have to wrap around the tusks (at least, that is how it looked to us.) When they emote talking the bottom jaw flaps quite a bit while the tusks feel like they're parented to the skull because they never move. That Vol'Jin model is great since they just released it. Nice and detailed especially compared to previous race models.

    And seriously man, thank you again for that paintover. It's given me some ideas to play with when I get home tonight. :poly121:
  • praetus
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    praetus interpolator

    I got some time tonight to work on it. I didn't get as far as I wanted to, but here is some progress. I mainly focused on the nose, ears, cheeks, temples and tusks. I still need to better flesh out the ears and neck, but I think it's starting to look better. Thanks for the input everyone. Please, keep it coming :poly121::thumbup:
  • Shadowsaint
    So far it is coming out well man.

    I would say you need to work a little on the form around the lips where they meet the tusk. There isn't much bunching or a wrinkle around the tusk area so it makes it feel like the flesh is not being bunched around the area where the tusk and lip meet.

    I realize, assumedly you are still working on your symmetric model at the moment, but some wrinkle definition in the brow to imply the brow has spent most of it's time furrowed.
  • praetus
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    praetus interpolator

    Got some time to work on this today. I brought the brow out a bit more as well as worked on the mouth area around the tusks. I also changed the shoulder line and rotated it back. Trolls tend to be hunched over and I felt like he was standing straight before. Granted it's just a bust, but he feels as if he is leaning forward a bit more now.

    Also I've been toying with the idea of some sculpted chops on the sides of his face. I'm toying with different ideas for hair but nothing is in stone right now. We'll have to see how it looks. I threw a shot on without the hair so you can see the underlying sculpt.

    Let me know what you think as well as any changes that could make this a stronger piece. I look forward to hearing from you all.
  • butt_sahib
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    butt_sahib polycounter lvl 11
    I think
    His ear anatomy looks weird.Hes got like an extra helix
    His nose/nose bridge needs work
    You should move the outer orbit area more, he needs more shape for his skull underneath
    Take off that paintjob and work on grayscale/monotone

    Looks good
  • praetus
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    praetus interpolator
    butt_sahib: I just want to get some clarification on your comment because I'm not sure what exactly you mean by some of it. I get the ear, that's something easy enough to fix but with the bridge of the nose what needs work? I don't mean to come off as argumentative (I'm not, I swear!) but before I put some work into the changes I want to make sure I'm changing the right thing. Is it the way it connects to the rest of the face, or maybe not implied enough?

    As for the texture, it's mainly a placeholder. As it is, it's relying on the matcap shader and I know that won't carry over well into Marmoset or UDK. Right now it's just there to give me a general idea of how I may want to color it in the final.

    Thanks for the input, I'll get to working on it and post some results later on.
  • praetus
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    praetus interpolator

    Did some edits. let me know if I'm hot or cold on the changes. Changed the nose bridge, ear divet and the outer orbit.
  • butt_sahib
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    butt_sahib polycounter lvl 11
    Hey prateus!

    Ill try my best to get my point across. You abslutely do not sound offensive or rude or whatever atall, we all come here to be better artists. Theres nothing you could say that id find rude. Ive been on Polycount for almost 13 years if not more, way back when polycount was full of pros and they were regulars (like bobo pior ericchdwick eQ skankerzero hawen moose jesse rooster)
    They would rip you a new one honestly and that is exactly why i loved coming here. But yeah, the level of critique has gone down a tad over the years since noobs like me started camping here lol; but critique here on PC is still miles ahead of the other forums out there

    And i meant not using polypaint during sculpting :)


    A- Desaturated the image
    Would never recommend sculpting with polypaint enabled
    B- Before making any changes, i drew an approximation of his skull. Adding or taking out mass becomes alot easier when you know what the skull looks like underneath
    C- Highlighted the areas which require some modifications. Wrote notes
    1- Extra helix
    2- Orbit needs to move out
    3- Bulk up the facial muscles and increase their extent
    4- chin is too narrow
    5- Nose
    6- Traps
    D- The changes that im making
    Arrows arround the ear indicate that i will be reducing the size of the ears
    E- Liquify'd
    F- Values needed alittle work, so these are the areas which needed the most attention.By values in mean the elevations/depressions on the surface of the model.
    G- Final with altered values

    Final comparison
    The image on the right might not bewhat youre going for, but you should consider thre changes to anatomy and values ive made.

    Hope it was helpful! :)
  • Sandro
    Praetus I actually like latest update you posted. Forms play nicely together there and that's all you could wish for. I don't like making crits about proportions because that's often arguable and you can pretty much sell any crazy shape with some skill.

    Only thing I'd do is identify some tension points where form turns sharply, skin is pinched or bone is sitting closely underneath surface and mark those areas with hard brush to really make them pop and create hard shading there.

    Here I took random head sculpt from net and marked those. As you can see those points alone are often enough for brain to recognize something/someone.

  • praetus
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    praetus interpolator
    Butt_Sahib: Thank you for all of the input. I really like the way you have painted the nose, however some of the changes you have made make it not look like a troll from World of Warcraft. It feels much more like something from "Troll Hunter." I should have made a ref sheet before and this is my mistake so i have made one now.


    Your paintover still helped immensely. They have also given me much to think about for characters I do in the future so I'm making sure to save them out so I don't lose them. I'm going to try and incorporate the nose you made into the model a bit more as I really like it. I'm also trying to give the cheeks a little more room so I can get those face lines to play more. Still very much a WIP.

    Sandro: Thanks for the paintover as well. Hopefully the changes I made still hold up. I'm trying to get the forms on the chin to work better but they're giving me some trouble.

    Thanks for all the points guys. It really helps quite a bit. Here are some of the changes I have made.


    I didn't get much time to mess with it tonight. I'm trying to make the nose a bit more floppy towards the end as if it has some fat or very soft cartilage. I played with extending the area between the orbital socket to the cheek so there is more room for the facial lines to bunch up. Also, I extended the chin out a bit more to try and get the long V shape the trolls tend to have.

    One of the bigger changes I made was sloping the forehead back. I've been having a hard time to try and make this more troll like as sometimes I feel if you removed the tusks it may look a little bit like a goblin. Goblins have a very round head shape where the trolls look like the forehead slopes back at a sharper angle. I still have a ways to go though.

    Let me know what you think.
  • Brandon.LaFrance
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    Brandon.LaFrance polycount sponsor
    praetus, this just keeps getting better and better, good work. This thread is just a goldmine of good advice. Only good can come of this. I can't wait to see more.
  • praetus
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    praetus interpolator
    Just trying to finalize some of the key shapes. I think I may start to sculpt out some of the asymmetrical details on a separate layer soon. Please, let me know if there is any glaring issue that needs fixing. It may be harder to push things around soon. Also, the help I've gotten so far is pretty phenomenal so I'm looking forward to any critiques people may have.

  • praetus
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    praetus interpolator
    I'm actually going to go back and add another loop for the forehead as right now it's a little too spread out. From there I'll rebake my normals and start on the polypaint in zBrush. Right now you're looking at a normal map combined with AO, Cavity, and bent normal green channel on a flat color. It's being rendered in marmoset currently.

  • butt_sahib
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    butt_sahib polycounter lvl 11
    looks lovely!!!
  • frezer748
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    frezer748 polycounter lvl 10
    Wow it looks amazing!
  • praetus
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    praetus interpolator
    Started on the texture paint. Still have a long ways to go between the paint itself not to mention there is no spec map yet. Also, I'm viewing in Marmoset for now but I want it in UDK with the DX11 SSS. If I have enough time I'd like to rig the face and try out the FaceFX but I'm expecting my first kid in less than a month so it's a race against the clock to finish this before that happens.

    I still have to create and bake down the interior of the mouth as well as any hair.

  • industria
    This looks amazing, man. You captured the Warcraft style of trolls really well! :D
  • praetus
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    praetus interpolator
    Took it into UDK today so i could mess with the materials. I have some SSS going on in the skin. Next I want to focus on getting the inner mouth baked down and then working on the facial rig. Textures are not done yet either but I'm not going to do much else with them until I get the rest of the model into UDK.

  • praetus
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    praetus interpolator
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Gl0sOmhLC0"]WoW Troll FaceFx Test 01 - YouTube[/ame]

    Quick Face FX test in UDK. Mouth isn't textured as of yet and the materials aren't done but I wanted to know it would work before I got much further.

    Audio is from upcoming patch 5.2. Hopefully blizzard won't be mad that I wanted to match the fanart with some of their audio. ;_;
  • Blaisoid
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    Blaisoid polycounter lvl 7
    lookin' good. the colors you have there now seem slightly overdone though.
    they mostly make me think of bruises or a decaying body (frostbitten perhaps?).
    reference pics you posted don't give me that impression.
  • praetus
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    praetus interpolator
    Quick marmoset render. Testing out the hair. I haven't had much time lately to work on this but I'd like to get back on it.

  • praetus
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    praetus interpolator
    Testing out some face paint.

  • praetus
  • martyhowe
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    martyhowe polycounter lvl 6
    jesus christ, that looks ridiculous
  • splitpiriform
    Really love your troll, I made one by it's nowhere as good as yours in terms of anatomy and overall quality 2dv7bk6.jpg
  • S3UMB4G
    Heey This Game Needs 3D Modelers Its A Online 3D Pokemon Game Please Come in help this gam here is the forum to game
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  • Kend
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    Kend greentooth
    Awesome troll Praetus!!
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