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Early Morning at the Grand Teton Hideout : Senior Portfolio Project

Hey all comments and critique much welcomed in this project. With graduation coming up I've decided to fully concept and execute a new environment on a larger scale than I've ever attempted. I'm really excited about this project, much more work to be posted in the near future.

For today I have the start of my Low Poly Barn, with one modular side modeled, sculpted, baked, and first pass textured. Comments on anything and everything are appreciated. Thank You Polycounters!!!








  • Stockwell
    Update: Most of the Planks textured, sculpted, baked, and modularly placed. Next up is to do Unique sculpts for the side and front doors, as well as a high poly bake on the roof tiles. I am planning on plopping some geo ontop of the roofs for Snow. Anyone know any good snow techniques? Anyways critiques welcome, After I finish up the barn I'll be moving onto the Fences and Silo.

  • Stockwell
    Small update this week. I'm Getting a diorama of about half of my props put together in UDK for a more accurate lighting and texture pass. I made low polys of some Fence variations which need sculpting and texturing and Baked/textured the shackled roof, which still needs better Spec maps. Did a quick paintover for an idea of what I want the composition to be.

    What's really important for now is my Snow shader which I need to get started on today or tomorrow. C n C appreciated as always :)

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