Starcraft 2 Wings of Liberty had 20 minutes of prerendered cut scenes, if the last 2 expansions have the same amount, we'll have 60 minutes, 30 minutes shy of a movies worth. I can't wait to watch them all at once. Diablo III had 15 minutes as well.
I wish they'd play just the straight cinematic on tv, instead it will be cut up and they'll through it flashy words just like the Mists of Pandaria ones.
Oh they never fail to impress. Always a refreshing watch, if only it were possible to live out a true dream and be able to Fx, model, animate, and post. Also I'm digging the scale picture. I've only played the game so I always imagine the structures/units grossly out of proportion.
The only thing that bugs me is the statue falling for no reason
That bugged me to, and I had to rewatch it. If you look close, to the left and slightly behind it (When its not the focus of the scene) a worm partially emerges out of the ground. There is a lot going on in the scene but I think it's responsible. Still I agree it seems to "just give up and fall over" like possum.
I had to crank it up to HD full screen to see what was going on so not visually explained well at lower, smaller res... STILL, loved it, watching it again!
Years ago I bought their cinematic DVD because the cinematics on their old games were awesome. I seriously hope they come out with another DVD with their newer stuff because it is absolutely stunning.
Is that a female gnome in the cock pit at the start? Loved it by the way
I think Kerrigans voice couldve used some work though, she sounds awfully neutral and monotone in the video.
Hey guys, there's this giant thing floating in the sky. Let's send a few Vikings to piss it off and have a couple of marines and a tank patrolling the streets just in case.
When shit does hit the fan let's all stand in a line and meet them in the open.
Like, no bunkers? maybe a Thor or 2? A Ghost with a Nuke?
Hey guys, there's this giant thing floating in the sky. Let's send a few Vikings to piss it off and have a couple of marines and a tank patrolling the streets just in case.
When shit does hit the fan let's all stand in a line and meet them in the open.
Like, no bunkers? maybe a Thor or 2? A Ghost with a Nuke?
The siege tank transform was fucking sick though.
Thought the same thing. Lets all stand around and pretend that thing isnt their.
But hey, imagine your playing starcraft 2 HOS and you are in your village and the SHTF when you realize that you didn't produce enough and the zergs are all over the place, murdering and destroying everything.
Always amazed by the phenomenal work the Blizzard Cinematic team dose. One of the best cinematic team in the entire entertainment industry, artistically and technically.
I have watched most Blizzard Cinematics hundreds of times and still they never get old, they just dazzle me each time. It must be SO fun getting to work on all the amazing things that team produces.
It's a bit of a shame — a lot of the original StarCraft cinematics showed exactly the things you wouldn't see in-game or couldn't even render in-engine, e.g. a bit of characterisation for otherwise characterless clones, interiors, or behind-the-scenes kind of things. Like the marine suiting up trailer for SC2, which added some depth to the most basic of Terran troops. This, on the other hand... is just a lot of fighting. Well-rendered fighting, but it's essentially the same stuff that already goes on in the game.
When my friend posted the video, he made a point that you really don't get a good sense of how big an Ultralisk is in top view. When I saw it coming around that corner, I was like whoa, that thing is massive. Same with the hydralisks.
The siege tank animation to siege mode was kind of cool too. I also wonder if that's the entire opening cinematic, or just part of it. WoL's opener was a decent length for what I remember.
There's gotta be more. How does that actually start a game? It doesnt. I mean, I guess it COULD, if its like the first one with the navigating the ship thing, cept now you would be kerrigan. but i dunno. I think you need more. Someone walking in and talking. Though i guess that could be done with ingame cinematics, rather than prerendered.
My god this cinematic is absolutely phenomenal! They are seriously one of the best cinematic teams out there! I can't really stand the whilhelm scream anymore, but it's ok i can look past it ha.
It's a bit of a shame a lot of the original StarCraft cinematics showed exactly the things you wouldn't see in-game or couldn't even render in-engine, e.g. a bit of characterisation for otherwise characterless clones, interiors, or behind-the-scenes kind of things. Like the marine suiting up trailer for SC2, which added some depth to the most basic of Terran troops. This, on the other hand... is just a lot of fighting. Well-rendered fighting, but it's essentially the same stuff that already goes on in the game.
I think this was the entire point of the cinematic though. To see the game through a more realistic lens. I think it's kind of also hinted at by some of the dumb decisions made by characters in the trailer. Like when the viking decides to land against an ultralisk. I think we as players are meant to laugh at that because that's exactly what happens in the game. Where in "real life" i'd bet vikings would be equipped with atleast some ATG weapons. lol
Protoss is going to be the 3rd expasion, this was planned since SC2 was announced. I'm sure there's going to be a few protoss single player missions, just like the first game.
Yep there was a cinematic in sc1 where a group of marines plant a nuke in a science vessel. I also think some of the indoor mission were played in one of them. So yeah, they're pretty big.
If anyone is interested in scale in the Starcraft universe
Very true.
Guessing in a few years Blizzard will open a completely separate cinematic department for full feature films. I'm hoping so.
I wish they'd play just the straight cinematic on tv, instead it will be cut up and they'll through it flashy words just like the Mists of Pandaria ones.
wasn't kerrigan's face more mutated in SC1?
it looks pretty strange now with all those zerg dreadlocks transitioning into a perfectly clean skin.
P.S. Lookout for the wilhelm scream at 1:44
Holy crap! That looks AMAZING! Better than the ones from Wings of Liberty. So so so good.
The only thing that bugs me is the statue falling for no reason
I had to crank it up to HD full screen to see what was going on so not visually explained well at lower, smaller res... STILL, loved it, watching it again!
other than that, so good.
and this
is very cool
That scale reference gives a whole new meaning to Starcraft.
I think Kerrigans voice couldve used some work though, she sounds awfully neutral and monotone in the video.
But this kind of bothered me:
Hey guys, there's this giant thing floating in the sky. Let's send a few Vikings to piss it off and have a couple of marines and a tank patrolling the streets just in case.
When shit does hit the fan let's all stand in a line and meet them in the open.
Like, no bunkers? maybe a Thor or 2? A Ghost with a Nuke?
The siege tank transform was fucking sick though.
Thought the same thing. Lets all stand around and pretend that thing isnt their.
Also, Wilhelm scream
But hey, imagine your playing starcraft 2 HOS and you are in your village and the SHTF when you realize that you didn't produce enough and the zergs are all over the place, murdering and destroying everything.
Then again, there's still the quit button.
hahahaha !!
I have watched most Blizzard Cinematics hundreds of times and still they never get old, they just dazzle me each time. It must be SO fun getting to work on all the amazing things that team produces.
"GG n00b" XO
The siege tank animation to siege mode was kind of cool too. I also wonder if that's the entire opening cinematic, or just part of it. WoL's opener was a decent length for what I remember.
Boxer wasnt microing :P }
I really hope at some point they do a breakdown like the D3 trailer at Blizzcon.
I bought the Collector's edition and i have Zerg wings in diablo 3 :P
I think this was the entire point of the cinematic though. To see the game through a more realistic lens. I think it's kind of also hinted at by some of the dumb decisions made by characters in the trailer. Like when the viking decides to land against an ultralisk. I think we as players are meant to laugh at that because that's exactly what happens in the game. Where in "real life" i'd bet vikings would be equipped with atleast some ATG weapons. lol
Isn't there a storyline/scenario that would revolve around the Protoss for a change ? note that i dont mind any of it.
I thought zerg also have gigantic flying units. Now the scene where the battlecruiser falling looks a little bit odd
supposed to be as big as a moon, but in game its tiny.
be fun if the game units actually had some sense of scale to them
0.43 raptor evolved.. into raichu!
whats the point of hellion trasform into flamethrower btw..
One thing I'd like to see is a bit of size variety when it comes to big unit numbers like all those bugs. They all look so uniform there...