Hi all,
I've been working on this concept from
Jonas De Ro called "Oak's Crossing".

This is my first project trying to create a good looking terrain.
I'm sculpting the terrain in Mudbox and using world machine to generate a diffuse that I can paint over in UDK.
Color Diffuse:

Working on the rocks now:

I did have a quick test before that I didn't like, started over from this point a couple days ago. I like the current rocks better, but now I atleast know how not to handle the grass;

Any advice/tips for this project are more than welcome

Perhaps a bit more grass in between the rock/cliff textures.
The concept feels like a tiny village with a small cluster of buildings in the middle of no where, but at the moment your block out feels like three random buildings and not so much a small community.
I love the bright and colorful style you're going for though!, keep up the work.
danpaz3d > I know what u mean, it's noted
MeintecdS > Yea I think ur right about the proportions and space, I defo don't want it to feel too open. Once these buildings are in I might expend the number of buildings / add more props like a well or something, whatever would feel right for the scene. Also adding the trees will probably fill it up a lot more.
Thanks for the feedback ! Coming up soon, rock models blending into the terrain and the background mountains.
Are you doing the mountains as a separate mesh? If not, won't it be a pain to go back and add those in since you have the texture's already applied on the terrain? Maybe it's a quick fix and just a matter of rendering out new textures from WorldMachine... I'm not sure.
painting the textures isn't that much works tho I was suprised how fast this can go
Added some rock models today and reworked the terrain textures a bit.
Still working on blending grass in a nice way with the terrain..
Using a color overlay material in UDK for both terrain and rock model
Otherwise, moving on with other stuff, the terrain is worth the attention but can replace textures easily
And started working on the background mountain (Mudbox):
Getting a bit tired of the terrain so started with a rock wall texture, plaster and wood materials. Got the vertex painting working with tesselation which I'm liking so far
The tesselation is looking pretty cool in that last screenshot.
hope it helps
PacoCasares > The concept is from http://jonasdero.cghub.com/ . His work is awesome
Blubberblase > Thanks I owe u for that one, was looking hard for tutorials but I guess my google skills suck. Stretching is mostly fixed now
just a couple more materials to create and I can build one of these houses
Gotta find a better way to handle the moss..
The above result is still a bit weak, so decided to just sculpt out the entire second house as a test. This just might turn out better, more highpoly stuff tomorrow! Below just the stairs for now~
Worked on the lower portion of the house, slowly liking where this is going