Hey guys, this is my first ever post on PolyCount so bare with me. This thread is going to be myself showing my progress as a work on my university Module. The module is Optical Motion Capture and requires me to make 5 different animations which have to include a run cycle and a stand idle.
As you can probably figure out from the title I have chosen a Spartan as my custom character. The reason i choose this character is because I want to try and incorporate a shield into my animations as well as a spear. This is of course more of a challenge for me but I like a challenge.
So In this thread I am going to upload: Storyboards, motion lists and of course screenshots as i progress through the module.
Some influences I am going to look at are Pantheon from League of Legends and also watch the film "300" (not complaining) and see some of their moves and perhaps adapt them into my animations.

My initial 5 animations are: Run Cycle, Stand Idle, Block, Lunge attack and an recall animation such as in MOBA games.
I hope you have enjoyed this initial post and look forward to the feedback.
Well I plan to create a Hoplite however i figured not everyone would know what one is so i just said roman soldier
Also if possible change your title to roman hoplite/solider so people dont get confused.