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How to make four armed anatomy work?


I am currently involved in a project that requires a character to have four arms, he is going to be animated so I need to make him move properly.

Here is a painting that describes character best(Lionguy):

Own concept art:

Possible anatomy:

Other than using anatomy they have used for John Carter is there a way to make this character move without changing appearance too much?


Cause if I use this anatomy he will look like a mutant. :(


  • Zarathustra
    Offline / Send Message
    Zarathustra polycounter lvl 8
    I think you have two options, either the Thark way or you make the top arms larger than the lower so that the lower will fit into the armpit of the upper when the upper arms are down. If you do that, then the pects wouldn't have to be separated as upper and lower.
  • Valandar
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    Valandar polycounter lvl 18
    There is another way - you could have the deltoid split, so each shoulder would sprout a front and a back arm. There might end up being a pec/lat replacement down the center of the underarm, but it should also be doable. :D
  • fearian
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    fearian greentooth
    I've also seen it done with a second deltoid, behind and slightly lower than the first. It was less of a split, and more its own shape - but I can't remember where I saw it. (Somewhere on these forums!) This looks kinda like what might be happening in the painting, with the second set of arms being further back.
  • Dee
    Offline / Send Message
    Thanks Zarathustra and Valandar for replying.

    One thing with that method is my character probably will end up looking like a mutant.

    With this kind of anatomy will the shoulders be able to move separately? I will paint a picture based on what you have said, a bit hard to imagine this :P.

    There is also a really weird anatomy for Machamp pokemon and I am not sure it would work:


    But you know you can draw anything you like that does not mean its going to work in 3d. Which is why I found this:


    The shoulders are massive here, but could be an option, one shoulder will get in the way of another though...
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