I am currently involved in a project that requires a character to have four arms, he is going to be animated so I need to make him move properly.
Here is a painting that describes character best(Lionguy):

Own concept art:

Possible anatomy:

Other than using anatomy they have used for John Carter is there a way to make this character move without changing appearance too much?
Cause if I use this anatomy he will look like a mutant.

One thing with that method is my character probably will end up looking like a mutant.
With this kind of anatomy will the shoulders be able to move separately? I will paint a picture based on what you have said, a bit hard to imagine this :P.
There is also a really weird anatomy for Machamp pokemon and I am not sure it would work:
But you know you can draw anything you like that does not mean its going to work in 3d. Which is why I found this:
The shoulders are massive here, but could be an option, one shoulder will get in the way of another though...