Might want to watch the crotch of the pants, it feels a bit compressed there, see if you can relax the shapes there a bit? Also in the concept there is a seam between the pants and the shirt, it looks weird without that
Her boots need to be slightly longer, as well her overall proportion.
Her upper body, especially breasts have a slight obtuse V bump, starting from her lower ribcage, near her diaphragm, indicating her breast are at least 50% or more bigger then what you currently have.
Also, her back is more arched and stylized, meaning in the T-Pose it will more exaggerated then what you have already, meaning her belly is rail thin almost.
The stress folds on her groin are too stacked in a lump in the front, relax them, and have them wrap around her thighs instead. Also, the small 'phallic' bump you have her on groin is slightly upper higher, kinda like a jeans fold, which isn't center at the bottom pivot of the groin and it's coming out more on the side, and not as flat.
Her nose needs to flatter and going up more, kinda like a "Bourgeois" style of nose, and her outer cheekbones need to slightly harsher.
Her left hand doesn't seem to have an 'under glove', only her right.
Remember that the OC you're working on is a concept-sketch, so alot of the stuff like her breast and her thin belly, and arching back are VERY styled and 'sexualized', pending on preference, so make you changes accordingly.
@Muzz: Thanks man! Yeah, you're right. I still have a lot to do with the clothes
@Ace-Angel: Thank you, your feedback is very appreciated. I'm having problems with the proportions, it's very hard to make her look similar to the concept. About the T-pose, I always have the impression that if you make a more "exaggerated" pose, it will be harder to make it seems natural in some poses after rigging, but I don't know, I'll give it a try
@amile duan: Thanks! I blocked her hair with planes, so I will use an alpha texture to get the same look of the concept
Small update; the wrinkles are far from good, but I had some progress:
Might want to watch the crotch of the pants, it feels a bit compressed there, see if you can relax the shapes there a bit? Also in the concept there is a seam between the pants and the shirt, it looks weird without that
Her boots need to be slightly longer, as well her overall proportion.
Her upper body, especially breasts have a slight obtuse V bump, starting from her lower ribcage, near her diaphragm, indicating her breast are at least 50% or more bigger then what you currently have.
Also, her back is more arched and stylized, meaning in the T-Pose it will more exaggerated then what you have already, meaning her belly is rail thin almost.
The stress folds on her groin are too stacked in a lump in the front, relax them, and have them wrap around her thighs instead. Also, the small 'phallic' bump you have her on groin is slightly upper higher, kinda like a jeans fold, which isn't center at the bottom pivot of the groin and it's coming out more on the side, and not as flat.
Her nose needs to flatter and going up more, kinda like a "Bourgeois" style of nose, and her outer cheekbones need to slightly harsher.
Her left hand doesn't seem to have an 'under glove', only her right.
Remember that the OC you're working on is a concept-sketch, so alot of the stuff like her breast and her thin belly, and arching back are VERY styled and 'sexualized', pending on preference, so make you changes accordingly.
@Muzz: Thanks man! Yeah, you're right. I still have a lot to do with the clothes
@Ace-Angel: Thank you, your feedback is very appreciated. I'm having problems with the proportions, it's very hard to make her look similar to the concept. About the T-pose, I always have the impression that if you make a more "exaggerated" pose, it will be harder to make it seems natural in some poses after rigging, but I don't know, I'll give it a try
@amile duan: Thanks!
I feel that the ends of the trousers are perhaps supposed to look like this: http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100218125338/streetfighter/images/5/54/IbukiPortraitSFIII3rd.jpg
Keep it up.
Hmm, I don't think so. The folds make it looks like this: http://black-samurai.com/kimono-m/hk035/hakama035b.jpg