Hello, I'm rather new to UDK and modular environments. Over the course of two weeks, near the end of last year, I took the time to make a small club in UDK focusing on modular design. My main goal was to learn how to get what I make, into UDK, so that I can apply that to larger scale projects in the future. I've decided to show what I have here so I can gather more knowledge on how to work in the engine, and ideas to push both this project, and future projects.

Things that I want work on currently are the lights in the ceiling. specifically I'd like to animate them to change colors, creating a wave across the room. I'd also like to get them to interact with the fog in the room a bit more. I know the last one may not be easy. I may do a complete texture revamp in the future, focusing on fixing seams in normals that I have.
Any advice on how to work on those things, as well as ways I can continue to push the project would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for taking the time to read/view this.
Use another floor texture ! It's just think it doesnt fit very well in there.
From your pictures it looks like the couch models also have a bit of floor attached to them. If so, divide them and make the floor out of appropiate pieces like 256x256 or something like that.
Also add some Env Reflection to your floor, that could give a cool effect with the right lightning.
You could use a mask + panner node to achieve the color changing effect. Shouldnt bee too difficult.
Lightning Advice
You're room should be darker and the colored lights a lot stronger.
Try some Postprocessing stuff like DOF and Bloom
That's it , so far. Basically i like where you're going with this
Might post some Wires of your modular pieces, so that we can better see where the modular connections are.
Kill that distance fog and push the lighting!
I think you're right about the floor texture being out of place, I'll look into that more. the couches are separate from the floor, but I happened to use all of the floor pieces under it to match the curves. I should just keep them straight for everything but the walls.
I'll try looking into a panner. So far I've had mild success with sine waves and lerps to switch between two colors, but haven't been able to add a third easily. I'll also look into the postproccessing effects, have yet to work with any of them, still learning UDK as I go.
I'll try to post some wireframes and textures tomorrow. Currently I'm using 4 2048 sheets, one wall, one floor, one ceiling, and one for everything else. Using some of the things that I've learned along the way I could possibly re-use either the wall or ceiling with shader adjustments to make a new floor.