Does anyone know how to export a cage from maya and use it in Xnormals???
I've tried almost everything (that I read on internet) and keep getting the error of different vertex index and the cage is an exact copy of the mesh......
Although, sadly, I don't know the answer to your question, because I always set up my cage in XNormal, might I ask why you would want to export a cage from Maya?
Why wouldn't you do it in XNormal?
Thanks and hopefully someone provides a solution to your problem!
ya doing cages in XN just take too much time, and it's not as versatile, since if your just doing a push in the directions of the vertex normals, Xn will sometimes do things you dont want.
where in maya you dont need to open yet a other viewport, can quickly translate things out on the normals, than do any tweaks later with all the tools of maya at hand.
also have you tried triangulating both the low poly and cage first? in case triangles are being cut different on both.
Although, sadly, I don't know the answer to your question, because I always set up my cage in XNormal, might I ask why you would want to export a cage from Maya?
Why wouldn't you do it in XNormal?
Thanks and hopefully someone provides a solution to your problem!
@Elod.H It takes so much time to set the cage correctly in Xnormals (at least for me) and I can do it in MAYA really QUICK.
once again thank you all for the help.
where in maya you dont need to open yet a other viewport, can quickly translate things out on the normals, than do any tweaks later with all the tools of maya at hand.