hello, so ive made and baked the LowPoly for this character http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=107721, and going to start texturing, the color scheme is below, any feedback is appreciated. it is
14383 tris
She looks smashing (definitely the sculpt) , that has to be said. The idea of bookworm meets Lara Croft is cool and you added your own unique style to it.
The paintover brings a lot of definition to the character. I only have a bit of doubt about the upper lip. The bump in the middle is a bit too big imo.
The transition from corset to the other clothing is a but too harsh, try to add a few more polys for that. It will improve on your character.
I would love to see some wireframe on this.
Keep it up!
ive only put base coloring on it now and tested the alpha for the hair, any suggestions for changes? i´ve posted the wireframe below aswell. all the yellow parts will be made into broze.
the skin gets quite discolored in these screens though for the eyes i have a highly shiny transparent sclera+cornea to get the highlights i want in the eyes. Then an eyeball that have the middle tucked in to recieve light. Double planes on the upper eyelid serves as eyelashes.
*edit* She has a pair of binoculars on the back that will be bronze aswell.
Wish I had some crits for you, but this is looking great. Its nice to see a female character with some modesty. Keep it up, can't wait to see it finished.
Textured the face today and started on the hair. She got a specular map aswell. The lips still need some tuning. I changed her eyecolor since i thought it looked as if she got lenses on. Made her a crow this weekend, im going to make him in a flying pose too. im a bit torn about the glasses, it such a big part of her character but covers much of her face.
As always critique is very appreciated.
It's looking fantastic. Though you could probably add a little more geometry to her face. The one thing I do notice is that her ears seem really weird. Almost too thin or something. It's really hard to tell, but the last shot definitely makes the ears seem like they have no structure.
Did you sculpt a lot of pore detail into the face or are you controlling it more with the specular?
*ravanna* i am having a hard time with the hands yes, i reserved too little space for the actual fingers in the uv layout . but im going to make them better, maybe make fake nails? (naturaly colored)
im pulling the saturation down on the spec thanks ^^
ive completely (almost) redone all the texture on the bag now, you were absolutley right...it looked kinda..bad.
Really liking this character so far, love the face texture and eyes feeling really natural. Really digging the silhouette of the character as well. keep going im looking forward to seeing this finished.
I'm liking where it's going so far, though I'd love to see some better material reads on the shirt and shorts. One of the things I noticed is the transition between the sleeves and the arms. The folds just sort of end in the arms rather than terminating in some sort of cuff or proper finished seam. I also agree that you should try and go back in to fix up some of the things that are wrong with the hands.
Overall just push the materials with the spec etc.
update! mostly fixed with shoes and made a better finish on the sleeves to arms (thanks tristanCarter ) worked on the wood aswell.
and since i can (yay marmoset) depth of field.
Looking good. Seems you are missing some actual construction detail for the clothes. specially the white shirt. There are no visible seams, you hint at them with your normal map but there are no actual visual seems of how that shirt was stitched up. Same goes for some of the other parts. also add more color and value variation within your textures. right now they are looking like very flat pieces.
beauty shots for the lowpoly, didnt have time to go over the textures as much as i wanted (color mainly, thanks david-j) but when i have time ill pick her apart again
Thank you Ravanna it is marmoset, i did a bunch of lighting variations and the highest rez screengrab, i made them smaller since i cant figure out how to make them smaller on the forum and didnt want to flood the paige with humungus pics.
Thank you so much for the complements !
The paintover brings a lot of definition to the character. I only have a bit of doubt about the upper lip. The bump in the middle is a bit too big imo.
The transition from corset to the other clothing is a but too harsh, try to add a few more polys for that. It will improve on your character.
I would love to see some wireframe on this.
Keep it up!
*edit* She has a pair of binoculars on the back that will be bronze aswell.
As always critique is very appreciated.
Did you sculpt a lot of pore detail into the face or are you controlling it more with the specular?
the ears are getting some more love, going to rebake them. ill look into adding some more geometry. thanskfor the help
Can you use detailed texture overlays to add to the materials?
Love the eyes
im pulling the saturation down on the spec
ive completely (almost) redone all the texture on the bag now, you were absolutley right...it looked kinda..bad.
Thanks so much for the critique
Overall just push the materials with the spec etc.
and since i can (yay marmoset) depth of field.
Is this marmoset? You can add extra lights to present it better (bright edge light), and up the screen-grab resolution.
Good work
Thank you so much for the complements
ill experiment some more then maybe with marmoset