Hey guys, figured I'd start a sketchbook thread. C&C welcome!
Anyway here are two pieces I did over the weekend, a sculpt I did last night of Azog the Defiler and Digipainting of Adam Jensen. I'm still figuring out the rendering workflows in ZBrush and if you guys have any tips or references I'd appreciate it


40 min sketch
Yeah this was a long time ago before I knew anything about anatomy. Thanks for the crits. In retrospect, I need to add more dynamism to my drawings cause right now they look like boring still shots.
process in my cghub page.
Made with the new Cintiq Companion... still can't get over the awesomeness
Still have to fix her textures a bit especially in the hair. Credit to Simon Eckert for the concept.
Trying some hardsurface sculpting in zbrush.
just done with the hair
Time for the jacket.
will be detailning soon!
Been trying to get us much work on her as possible.. Cheers!
Huge thanks to my girlfriend for doing her makeup! xD
Hsien-ko from Darkstalkers
Yep, another darkstalkers character :P trying to step-up the stylization game