This is driving me crazy. I started out with a mesh around 250,000 faces and figured that was the reason for my lag. So I used Decimation Master and dropped it down to 40,000 faces. I'm running an Alienware M17x with a 2.5gb ATI graphics card and 12 gb of ram.
Basically every time I finish painting a skinweight and let go of the mouse it is followed by a 5 second "freeze" where nothing can be done.
Oddly enough Maya seems to not be taking up hardly any system resources at all. I've tried clearing history, turning off all plugins, etc.
Is there anything else to do? I'm about to install 2011 as 12 is just giving me too many problems.
This is making it nearly impossible to actually work on my model.
Try to close it, especially if it's a floating window. I often noticed "lag" in Maya because of that.