Hey everyone!
Finally getting around to update my website and I wanted to post this up It was my character entry for the Arenanet Character Contest.
It was my first full character, I'd love to get any crits on it because I want to be a character artist. It's always been something that I've dreamed to be, during school though I was turned away from it by my teachers. They had said its very difficult to get into and a lot of people want to do it.
I don't really care now that I've graduated, I'm going to pursue it. So I'd love all the feedback I could get to make my shit better!

Only thing that comes to mind is a design critique, and that is the face, just doesn't sit right with me. Does the mask flow out from the helmet? it looks like that is what you tried to do, but i am not getting that feeling that it truly fits. so i say if you have the time redesign it. Also, I suggest using a higher pixel ratio for your presentations. 2048x2048 is the lowest i would go.
But the low poly looks great, the Painting is sound!
So I say you are on your WAY! id say this is definitely portfolio piece worthy.
I'm not a character artist either, however there are a few crits I can give you:
First off, the proportions are way off. The legs are much too short. I'd advice you to sculpt a few anatomy studies, before you start with your next character. Also, what helps me a lot with understanding human anatomy - and this may sound strange xD - is looking at sculptures, glamour & nude photography on a daily basis. There are a lot of good websites on the internet allowing you to do so, e.g. deviantart.
I find the character is too noisy in general. There's nothing to allow the eye to rest. And I think this is mainly due to the folds and crevices on the torso's cloths. You may consider reworking those and making them a little less noticeable. The helmet doesn't read well, either. Too much noise perhaps, and no clear shapes.
And finally, the character looks blunt. There's no material definition: what parts are cloth, metal, wood? Also, when presenting a character for your portfolio you should use more than a single direct light source. Have a look at three-point-lighting for example. In most cases, with a bit of tweaking, this produces satisfying results.
Oh and you should post your texture flat if you want some critique for them as well
I want to first say thanks for the feedback everyone!
@ RailbladerX - About the mask, ya I see what you are saying. I wasn't sure If I should use the res that they wanted for the entry or go with a 2k up-res'd version so I just went with what they wanted for the Arenanet contest for my presentation as well. Its a good idea though ill change it, thank you.
@ Karmageddon - Thanks man, I'm a big fan of guild wars as well so it was a really cool opportunity to get the submit something to them for the contest.
@ Toolpaddz - I appreciate all the feedback man ill definitely try and work on my materials for sure with my next characters. I really tried to make the gold look like gold among the other materials but I guess it doesn't come across well lol.
I do though think that my proportions are OK I spent a lot of time trying to get them "right" I know they aren't perfect but I don't think they are way off. I drew a little thing to show the proportions he is 8 heads tall.
All this stuff is great though I'm super grateful for the feedback so far the more the better. It will help so much for my next project.
Also I forgot to say the specs for the actual character just if people dont know it was :
7500 tri's
1k Diffuse, Normal, Spec
I put a glow for the eyes after the fact and got rid of the fur on his back as I didn't like how It turned out in the end.
Turntable LINK - https://vimeo.com/57502099
Sorry I totally blanked on posting the flats so here they are!
Also here is the concept I worked off of