hulo all! i applied to a freelance position and they asked me if they could put up my work (from my portfolio) and put it on there website . As theyre concepting some ideas for a film.
i thought the position was some freelance 3d gig but this email has confuzzled me. Do they want pre-made stuff from artists that relates to their concept? why not create concepts specifically for their vision?
Any ideas? They sent an email requiring more of my project work, but im not sure?
But it's weird that they wouldn't commission a regular concept artist. Maybe they just don't really know how this whole thing works.
I second marks, just ask them.
edit: oh wait, from your portfolio? that's crazy weird. yeah definitely ask them what's up with that.
I can't think of an ethically sound reason why they would want to do that.
Was that work done while under employment with them? No? Then of course not, they sound like a very shady barely operating establishment if they're pulling that kind of silliness.
I assume this is what they want your pieces for.
I would suggest you give them nothing until pay is discussed.
that is a red flag!
they may be trying to land funding for their project by showing off your work.
most likely they will never contact you again after they get their funding.
i have had this happen to me few time where a company showed off my work(with promise of work if project got greenlit) to potential investors to land funding and then used other cheap artists to do the actual work.
that should put a stop to that
"Money?! We are giving you an opportunity to showcase your work to potential employees. See it as free advert."
Fitting how your name is McGreed
im not a professional as of yet, so im happy with the free advertising haha. oh, the naive student mentally.
Try paying your bills with free advertising. The only value for you is if they put money in your hand.