Normally I wouldn't start a thread this early, but some people asked for a break down of my grass.

This material is the same for the terrain and the grass planes, the only differences are the opacity mask and the WorldPositionOffset for wind animation.
For the grass plane you will need to set the vertex normal to vertical.
But first there's a issue I need to resolve about how to make this work on non flat terrain, because this only works if all the normals are set to vertical, including the terrain. I was thinking about setting up a 'lightmap' in an separate application with no shadows to add shaded slopes, and use world position top some how match a top view of the ground.
I kind of want to avoid having to manually placing grass, I'd love to just automatically populate a field with the udk foliage, and it automatically culls distant foliage, and with udk's foliage system you really don't have much control over the placement angles.
I'm going to be testing out getting some hills shaded properly tonight.
Also some alpha's for some other plants.
This is one of the most exciting things I've seen this week. And I was nerding out the other day about a podcast with Gabe Newell talking about how he sees the future of the entertainment industry going. Thanks for that link, I'm a big fan of Maker/3d Printing stuff.
I mean, DAYMN NICE GRASS SON. are the model textures going to be similarly stylized?
What has really been holding me up is working on the powercube for the tractor. I also modified the loading arms of the tractor to match the latest model from open source ecology mostly because it looked cooler, but I'll post some of those screen shots once I get further with the power cube.
This is what I'm currently working on building, the engine is giving me a lot of trouble mostly because I want a pretty highpoly model to put on my portfolio and figured something this complex would be perfect.
The only 2 parts I'd consider completely finished. My goal this week is to finish one part of the engine a night.
I did want to share some tricks I learned.
Softimage has a crease tool like modo I didn't know about. You can have a really simple wireframe and just crease edges on a subdiv model.
And this is a trick I learned from Bobo's Darksider's 2 stream. You can create hard edges, smooth once or twice, then smooth once more without the hard edges to get some good clean sharp lines.
Also I had some issues figuring out how to handle lighting on the windmill fan, a created a thread for that and got a bunch of solutions. http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=115880